moodymudskipper / flow

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flow_test() doesn't work right when tests fail! #89

Closed moodymudskipper closed 2 years ago

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure I had tested this in the past, I think this might be due to

test_that() can now fail when used interractively, so we need to wrap call into try(, silent = TRUE)

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

I'd rather not have checks to have the code depend on which version of {testthat} is installed so I'll just assume the last version is installed and it will work like this forever. This feature cannot be easily tested with CI so it's annoying. I don't know a clear way around it.

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

hopefully fixed by

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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