moodymudskipper / flow

View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams
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full function diagnostic ? #90

Open moodymudskipper opened 2 years ago

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

This should probably live in other package.

It's basically a replacement for help.

If we go one step further and make it interactive (ideally without shiny) we can have buttons to export or view the diagrams, and we might debug, debugonce, flow_debug, flow_debugonce, boomer::rig_in_namespace.

If it's a manufactured closure it would be nice to give info about its parent. We can't tell if a function is manufactured strictly but usually if it's not defined in .GlobalEnv or a namespace then it's one.

If it's overriding a homonym (or more) it should be displayed too.

Would be fancy to try to determine statically what are the types of its body's variables.

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

I think the simple version is not that hard to do and brings good value already, and using it we'll find more inspiration on the way.

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

the jrc package seems to be the answer :

moodymudskipper commented 2 years ago

Rather than a replacement for help(), let's make it a replacement for print.function