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[BUG] .SetPos(x,y) on a StyledParagraph makes the text disappear #2

Open ErikTMA opened 1 year ago

ErikTMA commented 1 year ago


running .SetPos(x,y) on a StyledParagraph makes the text disappear.

code example:

c := creator.New()

img, err := c.NewImageFromFile(art.Images[0].Path)
if err != nil {
    common.Log.Debug("Error loading image: %v", err)
    return err

// Use page width of 612 points, and calculate the height proportionally based on the image.
// Standard PPI is 72 points per inch, thus a width of 8.5"
width := 612.0
height := width * img.Height() / img.Width()
c.SetPageSize(creator.PageSize{612, height})
img.SetPos(0, 0)
_ = c.Draw(img)
p := c.NewStyledParagraph()
p.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

style := &p.AddExternalLink("Download "+art.Name, art.ShareLink).Style
font, err := model.NewStandard14Font(model.HelveticaBoldName)
if err != nil {
    return err
style.Font = font
style.FontSize = 25
style.Color = creator.ColorRGBFrom8bit(35, 35, 35)
posX := (width - p.Width()) / 2
posY := (height - p.Height()) / 4

p.SetPos(posX, posY)
rect := c.NewRectangle(posX, posY, p.Width(), p.Height())
rect.SetFillColor(creator.ColorRGBFrom8bit(200, 200, 200))


Removing the p.SetPos() line, makes the text appear.

The rect is printed fine. The order of c.Draw doesn't change anything, neither does simply not drawing the rect, so it is not because it is behind it.

Expected Behavior

The paragraph should be at the absolute position equal to the rect.

Actual Behavior

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. simply run the code. Add picture, text and link yourself. :)



github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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