mooltipass / minible

Github repository containing the firmwares running on the Mooltipass Mini BLE
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Powering-down indicator #415

Open alanrick opened 7 months ago

alanrick commented 7 months ago

Missing feature

There is no power-down indicator so that it is impossible to detect whether the mooltipass has powered down or is simply in sleep mode.


If the mooltipass is powered down it should not need charging for several weeks. But if it is simply in standby it will need to be recharged after a day or two. It is frustrating taking the mooltipass on the road and then discovering when you want to use it that it has run out of juice and you have no cable with you because you rely on the bluetooth capability. Even if you have a cable, the time-settings are lost making FIDO unusable until resynched with moolticute, which might not be installed on the external pc.

I would like to see a power-down message or graphic indication when it does power down. Such as when I have power-down-on-bluetooth-disconnect specified e moolticute settings.


You have to power up and power down manually to be sure that it is powered down.