moom825 / Discord-RAT

Discord Remote Administration Tool fully written in Python3
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Bit complicated: invisible background process #26

Closed gumbobrot closed 2 years ago

gumbobrot commented 2 years ago

How can I set the window to be made invisible? (e.B. as a background process) In addition, I want to ask how I can activate that the window opens automatically after a restart? (again as an invisible background process)

moom825 commented 2 years ago


this what your looking for?

gumbobrot commented 2 years ago

Yup, but I didn't quite know where to write this suggestion/question...

moom825 commented 2 years ago

so is the comment closed or do you another issue/suggestions

gumbobrot commented 2 years ago

Nope, no more issues or suggestions.

moom825 commented 2 years ago
