mooman / rails3_sequel

Rails 3 Sequel integration
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RAILS_ROOT not defined in Rails 3.0.0.RC #3

Closed tadman closed 13 years ago

tadman commented 13 years ago

Shouldn't RAILS_ROOT be replaced with Rails.root?

You get an error like:

rake aborted!
can't convert nil into String
.../gems/1.8/gems/rails3_sequel-0.3.1/lib/rails3_sequel/railties/database.rake:13:in `join'
mooman commented 13 years ago

you are absolutely right. let me take a look at it. thanks!

tadman commented 13 years ago

My really dirty patch is to jam this into Rakefile:

if (defined?(RAILS_ROOT))
  Object.send(:remove_const, :RAILS_ROOT)

RAILS_ROOT = Rails.root

It looks like RAILS_ROOT is defined as nil in 3.0.0.RC perhaps to expose these dependencies.

mooman commented 13 years ago

hi tadman,

please use brasten/sequel-rails. his plugin seems to do the same thing, but more up-to-date and developed. and no point in having 2 of the same thing. i'll most likely be working with that team.

thank you for your support!

tadman commented 13 years ago

I'm all for forking and fixing, but from a developer perspective, installing the sequel-rails gem should put in the most stable version. Who's in charge here?

mooman commented 13 years ago

hey again,

could you please elaborate what you mean?

this plugin and sequel-rails started separately. I know people depend on these plugins for their work and i would like them to use the one that work the best. Due to current (and constant) changes in Rails 3, this plugin no longer works as it should. I figure while rails 3, and both sequel plugins are still young, this would be the best time to switch over.

I'd love to hear your suggestions on what you think. let me know!

tadman commented 13 years ago

Ah, just trying to clarify if this gem is deprecated in favour of sequel-rails or not. Since Rails 3 is new, as you say, and Sequel isn't as popular, it is hard to find information on which one is the best choice for new projects.