moon-chilled / slashem9

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X11 #7

Open drforbin opened 3 years ago

drforbin commented 3 years ago

Can this be used with X11?

moon-chilled commented 3 years ago

not yet

(unless you count running it under xcurses, which I think should work but won't do anything different than regular curses in a terminal)

drforbin commented 3 years ago

OK. What about the config file? Under regular nethack it's nethackrc. Also you need any help with development? Have a look at my github I'm a good programmer. VERY good with C.


moon-chilled commented 3 years ago

config file


any help with development

Yes, that would be great! See DEVEL/TODO for a long list of things that want to be done at some point. The game is also getting updated, commit-by-commit, to nethack 3.6; DEVEL/nhsync has the hash of the most recently synced commit.

drforbin commented 3 years ago

anyway we can bring on board X11 support?

moon-chilled commented 3 years ago

revive the windowport into win/x11

I would rather a new windowport based on sdl or similar, though; x11 is somewhat baroque and not very portable

drforbin commented 3 years ago

Well It's all X11 under the hood. Unless your talking about WINBLOWS

moon-chilled commented 3 years ago

X11, wayland, arcan, cocoa, win32, web canvas...

A portability layer like sdl lets you support them all with a single codebase. And again, x11 api (xlib/xcb) is somewhat baroque and boilerplatey.

drforbin commented 3 years ago

right. But nethack currently supports a windowing system ? What happened here?

moon-chilled commented 3 years ago

Nethack yes, slashem9 no. The windowport api is undergoing rennovations, so I got rid of all the windowports except tty and curses to make that easier to manage until the api stabilizes. Will probably restore proxy first and think about more later. Maybe go nh4 route.