moon-chilled / slashem9

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Build fails at src/readline.o #8

Closed weirdvic closed 2 years ago

weirdvic commented 2 years ago

Hello I'm trying to build in a Docker container but the make install process fails with the error: make: *** No rule to make target 'src/readline.o', needed by 'src/slashem9'. Stop. It looks like file src/readline.c is absent from the repository

Steps to reproduce in an alpine container:

  1. run a container: docker run --rm -it alpine
  2. install dependencies: apk --no-cache add byacc curl flex gc-dev gcc git groff linux-headers make musl-dev ncurses-dev util-linux
  3. make symlink for libncurses: ln -s /usr/lib/
  4. clone the repository: git clone && cd slashem9
  5. run make install
moon-chilled commented 2 years ago

Oops, forgot to check those in, thanks. Note the code is in a somewhat unstable state right now; I started messing with the input code, but haven't finished messing with it, so some things might not work.