moonad / TaelinArena

[outdated] A moddable MOBA in Formality
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Add character: Hatsune Miku #138

Open Trixtontrix opened 4 years ago

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Hero Description

Hatsune Miku is the first artist of the future who, with the use of Vocaloid even though she has a cursed voice, did not let that stop her dream. With the synthesizer you can release all the sound of your soul and with your blue hair and an immense charisma managed to conquer your space in the world of Pop music.

Concept Art

miku concept




In the game she will have 3 balls of light that float around her, and will be used in her skills.



Miku with all her charisma and joy can't stay idle, she always it's dancing :) idle_final

[STICK] Walk

Miku moves with small cheerful and dancing jumps.

[LEFT] Dance with me:

With the flick of her hands she throws the balls of light, giving hits with each one, 3 hits in total.
GIF_maior alcance

[MIDDLE] Cyberpop Facination:

Miku performs a dance that fascinates all the opponents around. This skill will have an area paralysis effect throughout its duration and a few seconds after the end..

[RIGHT] My brilliance:

With a pointing motion, she orders the energy balls to launch beams of leisure forward.

[Q] Ultimate: Showtime:

Miku does a spinning dance like a ballerina and starts to float while combining his energy balls into one, throwing her to the ground for area damage.



Miku does the "Fortnite Floss" dance taunt

[SPACE]/Shift Let's go:

Miku dances and makes movements as if calling the crowd up, this skill will give a speed buff to Miku and his ally in cooperative matches. gif_final_V2 Skill effect area reference effect area reference

Hurt Pose:



MaisaMilena commented 4 years ago

Approved for work!

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 15, 2020. Assembling the reference images and creating the Issue. 4 hours of work.

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 17, 2020. Done concept art of the left skill animated. Created the base model and made the "Taunt" animation. 9 hours of work. Left skill reference: Left_skill_ref_gif Base model Magika Voxel modelo base Base model SpriteStack miku_gif_SS_reder_diferente "Taunt" animation taunt

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 19, 2020. Made the "Idle" animation. 7 hours of work. Idle animation: idle_final

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 21, 2020. Made the "walk" animation. 6 hours of work. Walk animation walk_gif

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 23, 2020. Made the left skill "Dance with me" 9 hours of work. "Dance with me" animation GIF_maior alcance

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 25, 2020. Made the right skill "My brilliance" 6 hours of work. "My brilliance" animation gif_final

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 27, 2020. Made the shift skill "let's go" and the base animations of the middle skill "Cyberpop Facination". 10 hours of work. "Let's go" animation gif_com_fx Cyberpop facionation WIP Webp net-gifmaker (23)

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, April 29, 2020. Middle skill "Cyberpop facination" finished and made the "hurt" pose. 12 hours of work. Cyberpop Facination final animation gif_final Hurt pose pose

Trixtontrix commented 4 years ago

Daily, May 1, 2020. Done the animation of the Ultimate: Showtime and a small adjustment in the effect area of ​​the shift skill "Let's go". 6 hours of work. Ultimate: Showtime animation ultimate_gif New Let's go animation with small changes gif_final_V2 Let's go skill effect area reference effect area reference