moonglow / FlashForge_Marlin

:shark: Marlin firmware for FlashForge Dreamer/Dreamer NX/Inventor, Bosch Dremel 3D20 3D, PowerSpec Ultra 3D and Monoprice Inventor 1
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Back up of flash memory 3d20 #116

Closed gottlebek closed 1 year ago

gottlebek commented 1 year ago

Hello to all, i played around with the dremel 3d20 and the firmware files. I use the stm32 cube programmer with a st-link from a stm32 nucleo board. Accidental i erased the complete chip. Now i can't bring the printer back to the original or the marlin firmware.

Does someone have a complete backup of his flash memory?

moonglow commented 1 year ago

@gottlebek Hi !

First of all you can't use unchanged backup from other printer couse bootloader has a unique signature what bind bootloader to specific motherboard... but you can try this patched bootloader without unique ID check ^_^ Flash it at flash base address 0x08000000

do not forget if you use Dreamer bootloaders you need to use firmware for dreamer machine or original dreamer firmware OR you need to decrypt original DREMEL firmware with dremel key and encrypt back with dreamer key :)

gottlebek commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your fast response and the helpfuly solution. With your bootloader and the decrypt/encrypt i can use MarlinFw on the dremel 3d20.