moonglum / dotfiles

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Working on Linux #87

Closed moonglum closed 2 years ago

moonglum commented 2 years ago

It's happening again, this time on metal :metal:

Tenacious D showing a deep breath exercise, but very metal

I now have a Desktop computer, because I work from home. I think that's more sustainable, because I can upgrade this computer in a few years - compared to those horrible notebooks that are basically unfixable. I still have my MacBook Pro for mobile use.

Current Look & Feel

I'm impressed with how well this all works. It's now clear to me that there are only a few GUI apps I actually use, and most of them are wrapped web apps:

This replaces #86. It goes a more incremental way, not starting with tiling window managers etc. - but start from something I know pretty well (Ubuntu) with a very standard window manager. The more involved stuff can follow later.

bascht commented 2 years ago

@moonglum First time I actually found the time and looked through it. Really love what you did to this place (kudos for even configuring Neofetch) <3

As for the tmux thing: If you rendered the current charge & time to the status line only, then you can use run-shell to configure individual status lines for the laptop & desktop computer.

I've only used it to distinguish between host and vm, but you should be able to call tmux set-window-option -g window-status-current-format "…" from there as well.

moonglum commented 2 years ago

@bascht Went a different route :smiley_cat: Instead, my battery script now checks if there is a battery inside the computer. If there is none, it will not show anything. See 3314075 :blush:

moonglum commented 2 years ago

I'm using this in production use for quite a while now, so I don't really think I should keep it in a branch :smile: