moonlight-stream / moonlight-android

GameStream client for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.54k stars 544 forks source link

App causes crash and reboot on amlogic TV box with setAutoLowLatencyMode call #1172

Closed darkamgine closed 1 year ago

darkamgine commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Upon selecting a game to stream, the app causes the entire Android system to immediately crash and reboot with the following fatal stacktrace:

01-16 21:26:33.805   336   385 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView#0](id:15000000074,api:0,p:-1,c:336) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
01-16 21:26:33.805 12573 12595 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xeb603278 disconnect failed
01-16 21:26:33.832 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
01-16 21:26:33.832 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 00038720  /apex/ (abort+172) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0004629f  /apex/ (__stack_chk_fail+10) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00068dd5  /vendor/lib/hw/ (sc_set_hdmi_allm(bool)+104) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 0003c005  /vendor/lib/hw/ (Hwc2Display::setAutoLowLatencyMode(bool)+24) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 000375f9  /vendor/lib/hw/ (MesonHwc2::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+124) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 00031c61  /vendor/lib/hw/ (setAutoLowLatencyMode(hwc2_device*, unsigned long long, bool)+10) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 00009525  /vendor/bin/hw/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::passthrough::detail::HwcHalImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::ComposerHal>::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+20) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 00012807  /vendor/bin/hw/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::detail::ComposerClientImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::IComposerClient, android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::ComposerHal>::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+18) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0002c2b7  /apex/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::BnHwComposerClient::_hidl_setAutoLowLatencyMode(android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase*, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+130) (BuildId: 8d476d4795c9595be944c6f3109a5a10)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0002ce41  /apex/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::BnHwComposerClient::onTransact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+1768) (BuildId: 8d476d4795c9595be944c6f3109a5a10)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 0005cf13  /apex/ (android::hardware::BHwBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+46) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 0005f983  /apex/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+962) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 0006075d  /apex/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+64) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 0000708b  /vendor/bin/hw/ (main+262) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.834 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 00032fe1  /apex/ (__libc_init+68) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)

Steps to reproduce Every time when selecting any game or mirror screen when "enable game mode" is checked in the Android system.

When "game mode" is disabled in the Android settings, the app works as expected, but I don't know how much performance is lost by not using this low latency mode.

Other Moonlight clients

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darkamgine commented 1 year ago

Additional context Full Logcat recorded:

01-16 21:26:33.557 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: OpenGL ES version: 196610
01-16 21:26:33.558 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Added omx.nvidia/c2.nvidia to reference frame invalidation support list
01-16 21:26:33.558 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Added omx.qcom/c2.qti to reference frame invalidation support list
01-16 21:26:33.580 12573 12573 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dtshd
01-16 21:26:33.580 12573 12573 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ffmpeg
01-16 21:26:33.580 12573 12573 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
01-16 21:26:33.581 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp6a
01-16 21:26:33.581 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp6f
01-16 21:26:33.585 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avs
01-16 21:26:33.585 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/avs2
01-16 21:26:33.586 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision
01-16 21:26:33.587 12573 12573 I chatty  : uid=10105(com.limelight) identical 2 lines
01-16 21:26:33.588 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision
01-16 21:26:33.589 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision
01-16 21:26:33.589 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/dolby-vision
01-16 21:26:33.591 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-motion-jpeg
01-16 21:26:33.592 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.592 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.592 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 3 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.592 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.592 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 5 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.593 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.593 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.593 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 3 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.593 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.593 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 5 for video/mpeg2
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 16 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 32 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 64 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 128 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 256 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 512 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 1024 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 2048 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4096 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 8192 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.594 12573 12573 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 16384 for video/mp4v-es
01-16 21:26:33.595 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm10
01-16 21:26:33.595 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm20
01-16 21:26:33.596 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm30
01-16 21:26:33.597 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/rm40
01-16 21:26:33.597 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/vc1
01-16 21:26:33.597 12573 12573 W Utils   : could not parse long range '1-'
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 16 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 32 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 64 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 128 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 256 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 512 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 1024 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 2048 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 4096 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 8192 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 16384 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.598 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized level 32768 for video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
01-16 21:26:33.599 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wmv3
01-16 21:26:33.600 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wmv1
01-16 21:26:33.600 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wmv2
01-16 21:26:33.601 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1
01-16 21:26:33.601 12573 12573 W Utils   : could not parse long range '1-'
01-16 21:26:33.602 12573 12573 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/avc
01-16 21:26:33.617 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Examining decoder capabilities of OMX.amlogic.avc.decoder.awesome2 (round 1)
01-16 21:26:33.617 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Low latency decoding mode supported (FEATURE_LowLatency)
01-16 21:26:33.618 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Decoder OMX.amlogic.avc.decoder.awesome2 supports required profile
01-16 21:26:33.618 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Selected AVC decoder: OMX.amlogic.avc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.618 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Examining decoder capabilities of OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2 (round 1)
01-16 21:26:33.619 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Low latency decoding mode supported (FEATURE_LowLatency)
01-16 21:26:33.619 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Low latency decoding mode supported (FEATURE_LowLatency)
01-16 21:26:33.619 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Allowing HEVC based on FEATURE_LowLatency support
01-16 21:26:33.619 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Selected HEVC decoder: OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.619 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Decoder OMX.amlogic.avc.decoder.awesome2 wants 1 slices per frame
01-16 21:26:33.620 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Low latency decoding mode supported (FEATURE_LowLatency)
01-16 21:26:33.620 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Enabling HEVC RFI based on low latency option support
01-16 21:26:33.620 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Decoder OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2 will use reference frame invalidation for HEVC
01-16 21:26:33.620 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Decoder OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2 wants 1 slices per frame
01-16 21:26:33.620 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Requesting 1 slices per frame
01-16 21:26:33.631 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Counting InputDevice: Microsoft X-Box 360 pad
01-16 21:26:33.640 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Kernel Version: 5.4.125-android11-2-gba08a5b33f02-dirty
01-16 21:26:33.640 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Kernel Version: 5.4.125-android11-2-gba08a5b33f02-dirty
01-16 21:26:33.640 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Enumerated 1 gamepads
01-16 21:26:33.641 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Examining display mode: 1920x1080x59.94006
01-16 21:26:33.641 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Selected display mode: 1920x1080x59.94006
01-16 21:26:33.641 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Display refresh rate: 59.94006
01-16 21:26:33.646 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Counting InputDevice: Microsoft X-Box 360 pad
01-16 21:26:33.649 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Kernel Version: 5.4.125-android11-2-gba08a5b33f02-dirty
01-16 21:26:33.649 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Kernel Version: 5.4.125-android11-2-gba08a5b33f02-dirty
01-16 21:26:33.649 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Enumerated 1 gamepads
01-16 21:26:33.722   308   308 D MesonHwc: set auto low latency mode to 1
01-16 21:26:33.722   297  2999 E SystemControl: [/DisplayMode.cpp, memcContrl, 3019] can't open device /dev/frc No such file or directory
01-16 21:26:33.722   525   551 D LocalDisplayAdapter: Unable to set game content type because the connected display does not support game content type.
01-16 21:26:33.723   308   308 F libc    : stack corruption detected (-fstack-protector)
01-16 21:26:33.723   308   308 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 308 (composer@2.4-se), pid 308 (composer@2.4-se)
01-16 21:26:33.738   525   555 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.limelight/.Game: +352ms
01-16 21:26:33.738   315   315 I libperfmgr: Hint type not present in actions: SUSTAINED_PERFORMANCE
01-16 21:26:33.738   315   315 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power mode SUSTAINED_PERFORMANCE isModeSupported: 0
01-16 21:26:33.748   315   315 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0
01-16 21:26:33.749   315   315 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION
01-16 21:26:33.749   315   315 I android.hardware.power-service.libperfmgr: Power setBoost: INTERACTION duration: 0
01-16 21:26:33.749   315   315 I libperfmgr: Do Powerhint: INTERACTION
01-16 21:26:33.778 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Kernel Version: 5.4.125-android11-2-gba08a5b33f02-dirty
01-16 21:26:33.778 12573 12573 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Kernel Version: 5.4.125-android11-2-gba08a5b33f02-dirty
01-16 21:26:33.788 12713 12713 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
01-16 21:26:33.789   291   291 I tombstoned: received crash request for pid 308
01-16 21:26:33.790 12713 12713 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 308 (target tid = 308)
01-16 21:26:33.795 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-16 21:26:33.795 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'Droidlogic/ohm/ohm:11/RD2A.211001.002/eng.yxt-rd.20220113.222059:userdebug/test-keys'
01-16 21:26:33.796 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
01-16 21:26:33.796 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm'
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : Timestamp: 2023-01-16 21:26:33+0800
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : pid: 308, tid: 308, name: composer@2.4-se  >>> /vendor/bin/hw/ <<<
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : uid: 1000
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'stack corruption detected (-fstack-protector)'
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     r0  00000000  r1  00000134  r2  00000006  r3  ffd78760
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     r4  ffd78774  r5  ffd78758  r6  00000134  r7  0000016b
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     r8  ffd78760  r9  ffd78770  r10 ffd78790  r11 ffd78780
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     ip  00000134  sp  ffd78730  lr  ed57b70d  pc  ed57b720
01-16 21:26:33.805   336   385 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView#0](id:15000000074,api:0,p:-1,c:336) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
01-16 21:26:33.805 12573 12595 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xeb603278 disconnect failed
01-16 21:26:33.832 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
01-16 21:26:33.832 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 00038720  /apex/ (abort+172) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0004629f  /apex/ (__stack_chk_fail+10) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00068dd5  /vendor/lib/hw/ (sc_set_hdmi_allm(bool)+104) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 0003c005  /vendor/lib/hw/ (Hwc2Display::setAutoLowLatencyMode(bool)+24) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 000375f9  /vendor/lib/hw/ (MesonHwc2::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+124) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 00031c61  /vendor/lib/hw/ (setAutoLowLatencyMode(hwc2_device*, unsigned long long, bool)+10) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 00009525  /vendor/bin/hw/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::passthrough::detail::HwcHalImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::ComposerHal>::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+20) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 00012807  /vendor/bin/hw/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::detail::ComposerClientImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::IComposerClient, android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::ComposerHal>::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+18) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0002c2b7  /apex/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::BnHwComposerClient::_hidl_setAutoLowLatencyMode(android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase*, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+130) (BuildId: 8d476d4795c9595be944c6f3109a5a10)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0002ce41  /apex/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::BnHwComposerClient::onTransact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+1768) (BuildId: 8d476d4795c9595be944c6f3109a5a10)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 0005cf13  /apex/ (android::hardware::BHwBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+46) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 0005f983  /apex/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+962) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 0006075d  /apex/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+64) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 0000708b  /vendor/bin/hw/ (main+262) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.834 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 00032fe1  /apex/ (__libc_init+68) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.860 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Resumed existing game session
01-16 21:26:33.861 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: RTSP port: 48010
01-16 21:26:33.861 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Initializing platform...
01-16 21:26:33.861 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.861 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Resolving host name...
01-16 21:26:33.861 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.861 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Initializing audio stream...
01-16 21:26:33.862 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.862 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Starting RTSP handshake...
01-16 21:26:33.876 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Reference frame invalidation is not supported by this host
01-16 21:26:33.881 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Audio port: 48000
01-16 21:26:33.887 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Video port: 47998
01-16 21:26:33.896 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Control port: 47999
01-16 21:26:33.907     0     0 D [ 1204.748746@2]  logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=12713 n tail=50 logMask=8 pid=308 start=0ns timeout=0ns
01-16 21:26:33.911 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Initializing control stream...
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Initializing video stream...
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Initializing input stream...
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.912 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Starting control stream...
01-16 21:26:33.915     0     0 D [ 1204.756232@2]  logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=12713 n tail=50 logMask=1 pid=308 start=0ns timeout=0ns
01-16 21:26:33.917 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.917 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Starting video stream...
01-16 21:26:33.917 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Adaptive playback supported (FEATURE_AdaptivePlayback)
01-16 21:26:33.917 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Decoder supports fused IDR frames (FEATURE_AdaptivePlayback)
01-16 21:26:33.918 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Decoder configuration try: 0
01-16 21:26:33.918 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Low latency decoding mode supported (FEATURE_LowLatency)
01-16 21:26:33.923 12573 12723 I OMXClient: IOmx service obtained
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance(OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2) in android.hardwar process
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: support frame mode
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: use dv frame mode
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: support avs frame mode
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: format support multi-instance
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: getEntryByName_2_num=0, componentName:OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.924   408   873 D omx_video: processName=media.codec
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [19]AmlogicVideoDecoder2:115 >
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [19]initializeState_l:1597 >
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [19]" is not set used def=1.000000\n"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [19]" is not set used def=10\n"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [19]"vendor.omx.frame_numlimmit is not set used def=20\n"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"AmlogicVideoDecoder2, mOmxInstancenum 1, mOmxInstanceID 20"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"vendor.omx2.blkmode is not set used def=0\n"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"vendor.omx2.maxalloc is not set used def=1\n"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 I AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"default use NV21"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 V AmlogicVideoPassthrough: [0]AmlogicVideoPassthrough:80 >
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D AmlogicVideoPassthrough: [1]"AmlogicVideoPassthrough, mOmxInstancenum 1, mOmxInstanceID 10"
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 E secmem_tz: [Secure_NegotiateVersion:351] Secure_NegotiateVersion 2 2 2 2 2 2
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 E secmem_tz: [Secure_NegotiateVersion:361] Negotiated secmem version = 2
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 W OmxLogConf: Can not read property media.omx.log_levels, using 0
01-16 21:26:33.925   408   873 D OmxResManage: ResManWrapper OMX-30 init, fd = 12
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]" is not set used def=8\n"
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"out buf:8"
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]" is not set used def=0\n"
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setInputCoding OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: mIsLinux49=0, mIsLinux54=1, major=5, minor=4
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: multi dec exist
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: use dv frame mode
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: avs multi dec exist
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: Use frame mode for multidec.
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: Use min out buffer size
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: mSupportPiPVideo = 1
01-16 21:26:33.926   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: mMustOsdDisplay 0, mAmVideoUsed=0, mSupportPiPVideo=1, mPipVideoUsed=0, mVideoUsedByOmx=0
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT: OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2 : Vendor extensions supported (17)
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.4k-osd{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.unstable-pts{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:{{ nContainIndex : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.dvconfig-box{{ disable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.profile-level{{ n-profile : Int32 },  { n-level : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.nrdp{{ video-peek-in-tunnel : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.low-latency{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.videoLayer{{ type : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.renderByOmx{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.tunerhal{{ video-filter-id : Int32 },  { hw-av-sync-id : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.VideoQos{{ info : String },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.rotation-angle{{ angle : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.McodecReport{{ info : String },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OMX-VENDOR-EXT:    vendor.START.low-latency{{ enable : Int32 },  }
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: video type 11 support v4l2, use omx2
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: processName=media.codec
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: IncreaseEntryNumByName pEntry->mNum=0, pEntry->mMaxNum:9,componentName:OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 I omx_core: OMX_getHandle_num=1
01-16 21:26:33.927     0     0 I [ 1204.768783@0]  resman: 33 appname:OMX-30, type=0
01-16 21:26:33.927   408   873 D OmxComponent: mApkName=media.codec
01-16 21:26:33.930 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Configuring with format: {max-height=720, max-width=1280, low-latency=1, mime=video/hevc, width=1280, frame-rate=60, height=720}
01-16 21:26:33.931 12573 12722 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xeb603278, reason connectToSurface
01-16 21:26:33.932 12573 12722 I MediaCodec: [OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2] setting surface generation to 12874753
01-16 21:26:33.932 12573 12722 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xeb603278, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
01-16 21:26:33.932 12573 12722 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xeb603278, reason connectToSurface(reconnect)
01-16 21:26:33.935 12573 12723 I AmAVUtils: AmAVUtils, GITINFO : c51633330fa15cc77afff428baf95285bf13af99(drm.autobuild  Mon Aug  9 15:33:41 CST 2021)
01-16 21:26:33.936 12573 12723 I AmAVUtils: AmAVUtils::getComponentRole isEncoder :0 mime:video/hevc 
01-16 21:26:33.936 12573 12723 V MediaVendorExt: AVUtils::getComponentRole
01-16 21:26:33.936 12573 12723 I MediaVendorExt: AmAVUtils::getComponentRole isEncoder :0 mime:video/hevc 
01-16 21:26:33.936   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x1000017
01-16 21:26:33.936   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setInputCoding video_decoder.hevc
01-16 21:26:33.936   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setConfig 2990 0x6f800006
01-16 21:26:33.936   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: Enable android lower latency mode.
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x7f000000
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 2182 EnableNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=640,nHeight=480, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x7f00000a
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(0xef441d08:amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, Output:1 en=0) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x7f00000d
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 2202 OMX_GoogleAndroidStoreANWBufferInMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: mUseStoreANWBufferInMetadata=1
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 E OMXNodeInstance: getParameter(0xef441d08:amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, ??(0x6f600011)) ERROR: UnsupportedIndex(0x8000101a)
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x6000001
01-16 21:26:33.937   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter nPortIndex 0 CompFmt 0xb ColorFmt 0
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x6000001
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter nPortIndex 1 CompFmt 0 ColorFmt 0x11
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   873 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 640, height 480 nBufferCountMin:3
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x2000001
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter nPortIndex 0 nFrameWidth 1280 nFrameHeight 720 nSliceHeight 16
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=640,nHeight=480, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter#1196 stroeMetadata & lowLatency, setMinBufCnt to 20
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   481 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 640, height 480 nBufferCountMin:20
01-16 21:26:33.938   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x2000001
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: adaptiveplayback default set w*d: 4096*2304
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: media.omx.display_mode=3
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: mjpeg vc1 wmv wmv3 force display_mode=3
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: choose mVideoUsedByOmx=0, mVideoUsedByThis=0, mAmVideoUsed=0
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: mDisplayMode = DISPLAY_MODE_V4LVIDEO
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: choose mDisplayMode=3
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter nPortIndex 1 nFrameWidth 1280 nFrameHeight 720 nSliceHeight 720
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=1280,nHeight=720, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.939   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: setConfig 2990 0x7f00000c
01-16 21:26:33.940   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.940   408   481 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.940   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setConfig 2990 0x7f000009
01-16 21:26:33.940   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: HDRStaticInfo: R=0 0; G=0 0; B=0 0; W=0 0; MaxDisplayLuminance:0, MinDisplayLuminance=0, mMaxContentLightLevel=0, MaxContentLightLevel=0
01-16 21:26:33.940   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: HDRStaticInfo: all parmeter is 0, set mHasHDRStaticInfo to false
01-16 21:26:33.940 12573 12723 I AmAVUtils: AmAVUtils::isAudioExtendFormat input = video/hevc
01-16 21:26:33.940 12573 12723 I AmAVUtils: AmAVUtils::isExtendFormat input = video/hevc
01-16 21:26:33.940   408   481 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 1280, height 720 nBufferCountMin:3
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=0 (4k-osd)
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=1 (video-trickmode)
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=2 (unstable-pts)
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=3 (is-mvc)
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=4 (is-flv)
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=5 (dvconfig-box)
01-16 21:26:33.941   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=6 (profile-level)
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=6 (profile-level)
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=7 (nrdp)
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=8 (low-latency)
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=9 (save-mem)
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.942   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=10 (videoLayer)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=11 (renderByOmx)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=12 (tunerhal)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=12 (tunerhal)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=13 (VideoQos)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=14 (rotation-angle)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=15 (McodecReport)
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: mMcodecReport=0 mPeer.get=0xee0c36a0
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.943   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=16 (START.low-latency)
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=1280,nHeight=720, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   873 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 1280, height 720 nBufferCountMin:20
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x700000f
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2851 nIndex 0x700000f
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   481 I AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"getAndroidNativeBufferCrop [1280 x 720] \n"
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop pRect->nWidth=1280, pRect->nHeight=720
01-16 21:26:33.944   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: setConfig 2990 0x7f00000c
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x7f00000c
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x7f00000c
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   481 E OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xef441d08:amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, ??(0x7f00000c)) ERROR: UnsupportedSetting(0x80001019)
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x7f000009
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=0 (4k-osd)
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.945   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=1 (video-trickmode)
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=2 (unstable-pts)
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=3 (is-mvc)
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=4 (is-flv)
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=5 (dvconfig-box)
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=6 (profile-level)
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.946   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=6 (profile-level)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=7 (nrdp)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=8 (low-latency)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=9 (save-mem)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=10 (videoLayer)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=11 (renderByOmx)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=12 (tunerhal)
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.947   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=12 (tunerhal)
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=13 (VideoQos)
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=14 (rotation-angle)
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=15 (McodecReport)
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: mMcodecReport=0 mPeer.get=0xee0c36a0
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: VendorExt: getConfig: index=16 (START.low-latency)
01-16 21:26:33.948   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: getConfig 2848 0x6f100004
01-16 21:26:33.949 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Input format: {mime=video/hevc, width=1280, adaptive-playback=1, height=720}
01-16 21:26:33.949 12573 12723 W AHierarchicalStateMachine: Warning message AMessage(what = 'setP', target = 1) = {
01-16 21:26:33.949 12573 12723 W AHierarchicalStateMachine:   AMessage params = AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
01-16 21:26:33.949 12573 12723 W AHierarchicalStateMachine:                       int32_t android._video-scaling = 1
01-16 21:26:33.949 12573 12723 W AHierarchicalStateMachine:                     }
01-16 21:26:33.949 12573 12723 W AHierarchicalStateMachine: } unhandled in root state.
01-16 21:26:33.950   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX_CommandStateSet 850 Cmd 0 nParam1 0x2
01-16 21:26:33.950   408   873 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 1280, height 720 nBufferCountMin:3
01-16 21:26:33.950   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_SET:   OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.950   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.955     0     0 D [ 1204.795296@0]  logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=12713 n tail=0 logMask=8 pid=308 start=0ns timeout=0ns
01-16 21:26:33.963     0     0 D [ 1204.803803@1]  logd: logdr: UID=1000 GID=1003 PID=12713 n tail=0 logMask=1 pid=308 start=0ns timeout=0ns
01-16 21:26:33.962   408 12725 I chatty  : uid=1046(mediacodec) ecoder.awesome2 identical 2 lines
01-16 21:26:33.962   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   481 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=1280,nHeight=720, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   481 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 1280, height 720 nBufferCountMin:20
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=1280,nHeight=720, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   873 I OmxVideoDecoder: getParameter Component Name OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2, width 1280, height 720 nBufferCountMin:20
01-16 21:26:33.963   408   873 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x7f00000b
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexAndroidNativeBufferConsumerUsage 0x900
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D OmxComponent: getExtensionIndex 1237 name=""
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]" is not set used def=0\n"
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: Get NativeBufferUsage 0x408033
01-16 21:26:33.964 12573 12723 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0xeb603278 for 1280x720, color 0x11, rotation 0, usage 0x40a933
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter 1599 0x2000001
01-16 21:26:33.964   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: adaptiveplayback default set w*d: 4096*2304
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: media.omx.display_mode=3
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: mjpeg vc1 wmv wmv3 force display_mode=3
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: choose mVideoUsedByOmx=0, mVideoUsedByThis=0, mAmVideoUsed=0
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: mDisplayMode = DISPLAY_MODE_V4LVIDEO
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: choose mDisplayMode=3
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 D OmxVideoDecoder: setParameter nPortIndex 1 nFrameWidth 4096 nFrameHeight 2304 nSliceHeight 2304
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: updatePort mUseNativeBuffers 1
01-16 21:26:33.965   408   873 V OmxVideoDecoder: nWidth=4096,nHeight=2304, nMinbufs=0
01-16 21:26:33.966   408   873 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.966   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.966   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.966   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.967   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.967   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.967   408   873 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.967   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.967   408   873 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.967   525   719 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 308
01-16 21:26:33.967   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.968   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.968   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.968   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.968   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.968   408   873 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.968   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.968   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.969   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.969   408   873 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.969   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.969   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.969   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.969   291   291 E tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_19
01-16 21:26:33.970   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.970   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.970   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.970   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.970   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.970   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.970   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.971   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.971   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.971   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.971   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.971   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.971   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.971   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.972   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.972   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.972   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.972   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.973   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.973   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.973   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.973   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.979     0     0 I [ 1204.817496@0]  resman: 33 acquire [decoder], preempt yes
01-16 21:26:33.985     0     0 I [ 1204.817529@0]  resman: 33 acquire [decoder] success
01-16 21:26:33.985     0     0 I [ 1204.818120@0]  resman: 33 acquire [codec_mm], preempt yes
01-16 21:26:33.985     0     0 I [ 1204.818818@0]  resman: 33 score 30 secure no
01-16 21:26:33.985     0     0 I [ 1204.819282@0]  resman: 33 acquire [codec_mm] success
01-16 21:26:33.985     0     0 I         : [ 1204.828216@3]  video_composer_release enable=0
01-16 21:26:33.987     0     0 I         : [ 1204.828590@2]  video_composer_release enable=0
01-16 21:26:33.973   408   948 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.973   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.974   408   481 E OMX_AmlogicPeerBufferWrapper: setVideoNativeMetadata
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]acquireResources:421 >
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"setUp mDurationUs = 16667 videoDefine.xFramerate = 3932160"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 V debugSetup: media.omx.dumpRecv is disabled
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 V debugSetup: media.omx.dumpCodec is disabled
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 E AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: setUp(): 1186 mOwner->isGameMode()=0
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]" is not set used def=0\n"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 I AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"setUp width 1280, height 720\n"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]" is not set used def=512\n"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]" is not set used def=5\n"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 I AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mIsSurfacTexture 0, mDoubleWriteMode 512, default_margin:5 \n"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"Config low latency mode to v4l2 decoder."
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"codecInit"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"codecInit hevc\n"
01-16 21:26:33.974   408 12725 I resman  : acquire fd:12, restype:7, preempt:1, time_out:10000, arg:
01-16 21:26:33.975   408 12725 I resman  : acquire fd:12, restype:5, preempt:1, time_out:10000, arg:size:30
01-16 21:26:33.975   401   486 W ResourceManagerService: Ignoring request to add new resource entry with value <= 0
01-16 21:26:33.976   525   563 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_19 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
01-16 21:26:33.976   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: VideoDecWraper
01-16 21:26:33.976   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: initialize:mime:video/hevc
01-16 21:26:33.976 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Using codec OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2 for hardware decoding video/hevc
01-16 21:26:33.976   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: version 1.1 use create AmVideoDec_create
01-16 21:26:33.977   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: AmVideoDec version: V3.2.136-g35cf91e  (drm.autobuild  Mon Nov 29 11:07:32 CST 2021), mHalInstanceID 1, mHalInstancenum 1
01-16 21:26:33.977   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: vendor.mediahal.loglevels is not set used def = 1
01-16 21:26:33.977   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: [0] "new VideoDec\n"
01-16 21:26:33.977   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: open dec_stat fd -1
01-16 21:26:33.977   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: getAmVideoDec ok
01-16 21:26:33.978   525   563 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
01-16 21:26:33.978 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: done
01-16 21:26:33.978 12573 12707 I moonlight-common-c: Starting audio stream...
01-16 21:26:33.978 12573 12707 I com.limelight.LimeLog: Audio channel config: 0xC
01-16 21:26:33.981   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: [0] "initialize mime video/hevc secureMode is 0\n"
01-16 21:26:33.981   408 12725 I V4l2Adaptor: V4l2Adaptor::initialize flags is 0x0
01-16 21:26:33.983   408 12733 I V4l2Adaptor: V4l2Adaptor::onInit
01-16 21:26:33.983   408 12733 I VDA     : vendor.mediahal.loglevels is not set used def = 1
01-16 21:26:33.984   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "open dec_stat fd -1, log_level_ 1\n"
01-16 21:26:33.984   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "VDA Initialize flags is 0\n"
01-16 21:26:33.984   408 12733 I VDA     : VideoCodecProfileToV4L2PixFmt profile 12
01-16 21:26:33.984   408 12733 I VDA     : V4L2_PIX_FMT_H265
01-16 21:26:33.986   329   487 D AudioFlinger: is ignored since no output device is set
01-16 21:26:33.987   525  1496 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
01-16 21:26:33.988   525  5718 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
01-16 21:26:33.988   408 12734 E [0116/] NOTREACHED() hit.
01-16 21:26:33.990   329   435 W AudioFlinger: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000004) and output flags (00000002)
01-16 21:26:33.991   408 12733 I VDA     : vendor.vda.disable_config is not set used def = 0
01-16 21:26:33.991   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "v4l2 private parms, magic:1437256755 len:5, adaptiveback:0 height:1280 width:720\n"
01-16 21:26:33.991   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "not 8k use max input size\n"
01-16 21:26:33.991   329   435 D AudioFlinger: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 960 for frameCount 4100
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 I [ 1204.831989@2]  [0]: vcodec_dec decoder ffffff800bf34000
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 I [ 1204.832096@2]  [0]: release decoder ffffff800bf34000
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 I [ 1204.832667@2]  [0]: v4ldec has been destroyed.
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 I [ 1204.834208@2]  [1]: vcodec_dec decoder ffffff800bfe0000
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 I         : [ 1204.834410@2]  double write mode 512 margin 5
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.834951@2]  vdec_create instance 00000000a11a6e5b, total 1, PM: power-domain
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.834980@2]  the vdec            clock on, ref cnt: 1
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.835000@2]  the clk_hevcf_mux   clock on, ref cnt: 1
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.835007@2]  the clk_hevcb_mux   clock on, ref cnt: 1
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.835250@2]  hevc mux clock is 499999992 Hz
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.835467@2]  hevc back mux clock is 499999992 Hz
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.835645@2]  the pwrc-hevc       power on
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 I         : [ 1204.835653@2]  vdec_init, dev_name:ammvdec_h265_v4l, vdec_type=VDEC_TYPE_FRAME_BLOCK, format: 11
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D [ 1204.836808@2]  [0]pdata->config=parm_v4l_codec_enable: 1;parm_v4l_buffer_margin:5;hevc_double_write_mode:512;hevc_buf_width:4096;hevc_buf_height:2304;save_buffer_mode:0;parm_v4l_canvas_mem_mode:0;parm_v4l_canvas_mem_endian:0;parm_v4l_low_latency_mode:1;parm_v4l_metadata_config_flag:2;
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.836863@2]  [0]discard dv data
01-16 21:26:33.994     0     0 D         : [ 1204.837231@2]  decoder_bmmu_box_alloc_box, tvp_flags = 0
01-16 21:26:33.999     0     0 I [ 1204.838563@2]  binder: release 308:308 transaction 5727520 in, still active
01-16 21:26:34.000     0     0 I [ 1204.838747@2]  binder: send failed reply for transaction 5727520 to 336:336
01-16 21:26:34.000     0     0 D         : [ 1204.841038@2]  [0]dynamic_buf_num_margin=5
01-16 21:26:34.000     0     0 D         : [ 1204.841052@3]  [0]double_write_mode=512
01-16 21:26:34.000     0     0 D [ 1204.841062@3]  [0]h265: pts_unstable=0
01-16 21:26:34.000     0     0 D [ 1204.841067@3]  [0]h265: ver (201602101,0) decinfo: 0x0 rate=3600
01-16 21:26:34.007     0     0 I         : [ 1204.847149@3]  [TEE], the fw (hevc_mmu) will be loaded...
01-16 21:26:34.007     0     0 D         : [ 1204.847423@3]  hevc mux clock is 799999988 Hz
01-16 21:26:34.007     0     0 D         : [ 1204.847640@3]  hevc back mux clock is 799999988 Hz
01-16 21:26:34.007     0     0 D         : [ 1204.847645@3]  hevc video changed to 3840 x 2160 60 fps clk->800MHZ
01-16 21:26:34.007     0     0 D         : [ 1204.848121@3]  vdec_init, vf_provider_name = vdec.h265.00, b 0
01-16 21:26:33.995   329   435 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:56 usage:14 not muted
01-16 21:26:33.996   336   336 F HidlStatus: Attempted to retrieve value from failed HIDL call: Status(EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED): 'DEAD_OBJECT: '
01-16 21:26:33.997   336   336 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 336 (surfaceflinger), pid 336 (surfaceflinger)
01-16 21:26:34.002 12573 12707 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server; frameCount 480 -> 4100
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "setup output format 3132564e\n"
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12733 I VDA     : IsSupportedOutputFormat v4l2_format 3132564e
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"codecInit done"
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mOutWidth is 4096 mOutHeight is 2304 mFlvFlag=0 mOutBufferCount is 24"
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mOutBufferCount =24 mDecOutWidth 4096 mDecOutHeight 2304\n"
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "InitializeTask"
01-16 21:26:34.019     0     0 I [ 1204.859035@0]  [1]: hevc Instance >> ffffff80924cc000
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mIsNativeBuffers =1\n"
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"setUp mOutPortChanged=0\n"
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12741 I VDA     : set = 5
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12725 I OmxComponent: STATE_DONE:  OMX_StateLoaded => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.016   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "CreateInputBuffers count 3\n"
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX_CommandStateSet 850 Cmd 0 nParam1 0x3
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_SET:   OMX_StateIdle => OMX_StateExecuting : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]prepare:320 >
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]start:333 >
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mVideo start\n"
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateIdle => OMX_StateExecuting : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12725 I OmxComponent: STATE_DONE:  OMX_StateIdle => OMX_StateExecuting : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12742 V OMX_WorkerPeer: vendor/amlogic/common/omx/omx_framework/WorkerPeer.cpp:runWorkerStatic:155 --------------------
01-16 21:26:34.018   408 12742 V OMX_WorkerPeer: vendor/amlogic/common/omx/omx_framework/WorkerPeer.cpp:runWorker:161 --------------------
01-16 21:26:34.026   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "----create input VIDIOC_STREAMON----\n"
01-16 21:26:34.026   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "StartDevicePoll\n"
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.874918@2]  binder: release 336:539 transaction 5727748 in, still active
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.875102@2]  binder: send failed reply for transaction 5727748 to 525:550
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.876231@2]  binder: release 336:949 transaction 5728044 in, still active
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.876835@2]  binder: send failed reply for transaction 5728044 to 12573:12595
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.878916@2]  binder_alloc: 336: binder_alloc_buf, no vma
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.878953@0]  binder: 525:551 transaction failed 29189/-3, size 88-0 line 2876
01-16 21:26:34.037     0     0 I [ 1204.879778@0]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728685, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.034 12573 12595 W OpenGLRenderer: dequeueBuffer failed, error = -32; switching to fallback
01-16 21:26:34.034  6388 12185 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d3750]
01-16 21:26:34.034  6066  6084 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d3930]
01-16 21:26:34.035  1610  2299 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d47d0]
01-16 21:26:34.035   525  4233 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d0db0]
01-16 21:26:34.035 12573 12592 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d3db0]
01-16 21:26:34.035  8378 10814 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d30f0]
01-16 21:26:34.035  3044  4068 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d2970]
01-16 21:26:34.035   961   980 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d4710]
01-16 21:26:34.035  1442  1462 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d4890]
01-16 21:26:34.035   890  6325 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d30f0]
01-16 21:26:34.035   678   697 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d4b30]
01-16 21:26:34.036 12202 12222 W SurfaceComposerClient: ComposerService remote (surfaceflinger) died [0xf00d48f0]
01-16 21:26:34.036   414   781 E IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(77): Not supported
01-16 21:26:34.036 12573 12595 F OpenGLRenderer: Failed to set damage region on surface 0xefee31d0, error=EGL_BAD_ACCESS
01-16 21:26:34.036   414   781 E IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(76): Not supported
01-16 21:26:34.037   525   551 E BpDisplayEventConnection: Failed to transact (-32)
01-16 21:26:34.042   525   550 I ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'SurfaceFlinger' on '/dev/binder'...
01-16 21:26:34.065     0     0 I         : [ 1204.902493@1]  audio_send_uevent[48] AUDIO_FORMAT=0 0
01-16 21:26:34.065     0     0 I         : [ 1204.902525@1]  update audio atmos flag! audio_type = 0
01-16 21:26:34.057   299   497 I audio_hw_primary: [adev_create_audio_patch:8409] sources:1 sinks:1 MIX->DEVICE new id:2 patch_src:INVAL
01-16 21:26:34.058   299   497 I audio_hw_primary: [adev_create_audio_patch:8425] one sink, sink:HDMI
01-16 21:26:34.058   299   497 I audio_hw_primary: aml_audio_output_routing: switch from SPEAKER to HDMI
01-16 21:26:34.058   299   497 D audio_route: Apply path: speaker_off
01-16 21:26:34.058   299   497 W audio_hw_primary: aml_audio_output_routing: cur outport:2 unsupport
01-16 21:26:34.058   299   497 I audio_hw_primary: [adev_create_audio_patch:8557] mix(13) -> dev(HDMI) patch
01-16 21:26:34.069   329  1552 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevicesForStrategy() unknown strategy: -1
01-16 21:26:34.303     0     0 E [ 1205.145296@3]  libprocessgroup: Failed to kill process cgroup uid 0 pid 392 in 257ms, 1 processes remain
01-16 21:26:34.069   329  1552 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevicesForStrategy() unknown strategy: -1
01-16 21:26:34.441   297   346 E SystemControl: systemcontrol daemon client died cookie:1
01-16 21:26:34.441   297   343 E SystemControl: systemcontrol daemon client died cookie:0
01-16 21:26:34.443     0     0 I [ 1205.284402@1]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728797, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.532  6100  6100 I com.topjohnwu.magisk:root: System.exit called, status: 0
01-16 21:26:34.533  6100  6100 I AndroidRuntime: VM exiting with result code 0.
01-16 21:26:34.534     0     0 E [ 1205.371189@3]  libprocessgroup: Failed to kill process cgroup uid 0 pid 392 in 223ms, 1 processes remain
01-16 21:26:34.547     0     0 I [ 1205.389292@2]  binder: release 329:487 transaction 5728863 out, still active
01-16 21:26:34.548     0     0 I [ 1205.389513@0]  binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
01-16 21:26:34.547   299   497 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream_new: enter usecase = PCM_NORMAL
01-16 21:26:34.547   299   497 I sub_mixing_factory: [deleteSubMixingInputPcm:744] cnt_stream_using_mixer 0
01-16 21:26:34.547   299   497 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream: enter: dev(0xf79bc030) stream(0xf3640950) flags(2)
01-16 21:26:34.547   299   497 D sub_mixing_factory: [out_standby_subMixingPCM:1313] out_stream(0xf3640950) usecase: PCM_NORMAL
01-16 21:26:34.548   299   497 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream: exit
01-16 21:26:34.548   299   497 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close_output_stream_new: exit
01-16 21:26:34.548   299   497 D audio_hw_primary: adev_close: count:1 enter
01-16 21:26:34.548   299   497 I sub_mixing_factory: [releaseSubMixingOutput:78] ++
01-16 21:26:34.548   299   497 I amlAudioMixer: [pcm_mixer_thread_exit:1312] ++ audio_mixer->mixing_enable 0
01-16 21:26:34.551     0     0 D         : [ 1205.393798@1]  asoc-aml-card auge_sound: TDM[1] Playback stop
01-16 21:26:34.551     0     0 D         : [ 1205.393816@1]  ss_mute() 347, mute 1, id 0
01-16 21:26:34.551     0     0 D         : [ 1205.393836@1]  ss_trigger() ss 3
01-16 21:26:34.551     0     0 D         : [ 1205.393841@1]  spdif_a is set to disable
01-16 21:26:34.551     0     0 I [ 1205.393854@1]  audio_ddr_mngr: frddr stop success, fifo id 0, regbase:0x70, arb sts:0x40000010
01-16 21:26:34.549   299   484 I audio_virtual_buf: audio_virtual_buf_close exit
01-16 21:26:34.549   299   484 I amlAudioMixer: [mixer_16b_threadloop:1259] exit thread
01-16 21:26:34.550   299   497 I aml_audio_port: [free_output_port:760] port:STEREO_PCM
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 I         : [ 1205.394905@3]  ss_free() samesrc 3, lvl 1
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 D [ 1205.394933@1]  audio_ddr_mngr: frddr_set_sharebuffer_enable share lvl: 1, dst_src: 3
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 D         : [ 1205.394941@1]  aml_tdm_hw_setting_free(), disable mclk for tdm-1
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 D         : [ 1205.394951@1]  tdm playback mute: 1, lane_cnt = 4
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 I [ 1205.396043@1]  audio_ddr_mngr: frddrs[0] released by device fe330000.audiobus:tdm@1
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 I         : [ 1205.396425@1]  aml_T9015_audio_set_bias_level
01-16 21:26:34.556     0     0 I         : [ 1205.396937@3]  aml_T9015_audio_set_bias_level
01-16 21:26:34.554   299   497 I sub_mixing_factory: [deleteSubMixing:886] ++
01-16 21:26:34.554   299   497 I audio_hwsync: aml_hwsync_close_tsync
01-16 21:26:34.554   299   497 E audio_hwsync: aml_hwsync_close_tsync(), fd = 12
01-16 21:26:34.579     0     0 I [ 1205.421309@2]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728800, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.540 12748 12748 I vdc     : type=1400 audit(0.0:18108): avc: denied { search } for name="/" dev="dm-1" ino=2 scontext=u:r:vdc:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 trawcon="u:object_r:product_file:s0"
01-16 21:26:34.574   235   235 D vold    : Aborting fuse connection entry /sys/fs/fuse/connections/65/abort
01-16 21:26:34.574   235   235 W vold    : Skip fsync /sys/fs/fuse/connections/65/abort on a file system does not support synchronization: Invalid argument
01-16 21:26:34.540 12748 12748 I vdc     : type=1400 audit(0.0:18109): avc: denied { search } for name="/" dev="dm-0" ino=2 scontext=u:r:vdc:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 trawcon="u:object_r:odm_file:s0"
01-16 21:26:34.654   300   319 E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothDeathRecipient::serviceDied - Bluetooth service died
01-16 21:26:34.654   300   319 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothHci::close()
01-16 21:26:34.654   300   319 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Skipping unlink call, service died.
01-16 21:26:34.655     0     0 I [ 1205.498042@2]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728809, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.663   408   481 E OMXNodeInstance: !!! Observer died. Quickly, do something, ... anything...
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX_CommandStateSet 850 Cmd 0 nParam1 0x2
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_SET:   OMX_StateExecuting => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2: flush input
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]flushInput:972 >
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 V OMX_WorkerPeer: vendor/amlogic/common/omx/omx_framework/WorkerPeer.cpp:flushInput:57 --------------------
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]pause:325 >
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]reset:373 >
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"reset_1"
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: reset
01-16 21:26:34.663   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: [0] "reset\n"
01-16 21:26:34.665   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "Reset\n"
01-16 21:26:34.665   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "ResetTask\n"
01-16 21:26:34.666   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "FinishReset\n"
01-16 21:26:34.666   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "StopDevicePoll\n"
01-16 21:26:34.671     0     0 I [ 1205.512713@3]  binder: release 1350:6000 transaction 5728776 out, still active
01-16 21:26:34.671     0     0 I [ 1205.512931@3]  binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "StopInputStream input_streamon 1, input_buffer_map_.size 3\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "----stop input VIDIOC_STREAMOFF----\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "SendPictureReady\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "post ResetDoneTask\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "ResetDoneTask\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "StartDevicePoll\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "NotifyResetDone\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12733 I AmVideoDec: [0] "notifyResetDone\n"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12733 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]NotifyResetDone:2043 >
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"reset_2"
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]start:333 >
01-16 21:26:34.680   408 12725 E ThreadWorker: pthread on exit wait clean
01-16 21:26:34.711     0     0 I [ 1205.538739@2]  binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
01-16 21:26:34.711     0     0 I [ 1205.538775@2]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728857, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.711     0     0 I [ 1205.539600@2]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728858, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.711     0     0 I [ 1205.540533@2]  binder: undelivered transaction 5728802, process died.
01-16 21:26:34.711     0     0 W [ 1205.551338@2]  audit: audit_lost=13737 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64
01-16 21:26:34.711     0     0 E [ 1205.551571@2]  audit: rate limit exceeded
01-16 21:26:34.680 12750 12750 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:18110): avc: denied { search } for name="/" dev="dm-1" ino=2 scontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 trawcon="u:object_r:product_file:s0"
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mVideo start\n"
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]flushInput:1011 >
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2: flush output
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12753 V OMX_WorkerPeer: vendor/amlogic/common/omx/omx_framework/WorkerPeer.cpp:runWorkerStatic:155 --------------------
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]flushOutput:1014 >
01-16 21:26:34.684 12750 12750 I app_process: type=1400 audit(0.0:18111): avc: denied { search } for name="/" dev="dm-0" ino=2 scontext=u:r:zygote:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 trawcon="u:object_r:odm_file:s0"
01-16 21:26:34.704 12755 12755 I cameraserver: type=1400 audit(0.0:18112): avc: denied { search } for name="/" dev="dm-1" ino=2 scontext=u:r:cameraserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:unlabeled:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 trawcon="u:object_r:product_file:s0"
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12753 V OMX_WorkerPeer: vendor/amlogic/common/omx/omx_framework/WorkerPeer.cpp:runWorker:161 --------------------
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]flushOutput:1091 >
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"mVideo stop\n"
01-16 21:26:34.681   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]stop:358 >
01-16 21:26:34.683   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateExecuting => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.683   408 12725 I OmxComponent: STATE_DONE:  OMX_StateExecuting => OMX_StateIdle : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.754   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: Chipset BCM4350C0, p_entry = BCM4359C0
01-16 21:26:34.754   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: Chipset BCM4350C0, p_entry = BCM4362A2
01-16 21:26:34.754   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: LPM parameter = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 
01-16 21:26:34.754   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: LPM disabled!!
01-16 21:26:34.754   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: Chipset BCM4350C0, p_entry = BCM4359C0
01-16 21:26:34.755   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: Chipset BCM4350C0, p_entry = BCM4362A2
01-16 21:26:34.755   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: Chipset BCM4350C0, p_entry = BCM4359C0
01-16 21:26:34.755   300   319 E bt_hwcfg: Chipset BCM4350C0, p_entry = BCM4362A2
01-16 21:26:34.755   300   319 I bt_userial_vendor: device fd = 7 close
01-16 21:26:34.763     0     0 I         : [ 1205.598753@3]  BT_RADIO going: off
01-16 21:26:34.763     0     0 I [ 1205.598778@3]  AML_BT: going OFF,btpower_evt=0
01-16 21:26:34.763     0     0 I         : [ 1205.599040@3]  sdio vendor is 0x2d0
01-16 21:26:34.763   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX_CommandStateSet 850 Cmd 0 nParam1 0x1
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_SET:   OMX_StateIdle => OMX_StateLoaded : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]releaseResources:435 >
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]tearDown:797 >
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]tearDown:1549 >
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12725 V AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]initializeState_l:1597 >
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: destroy
01-16 21:26:34.764   408 12733 I VDA     : [0] "Destroy"
01-16 21:26:34.765   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "DestroyTask(): IN[0,0], OUT[0,0,0] DEC[0->0] => DEVICE[3+0/3->0+0/0] => CLIENT[0]\n"
01-16 21:26:34.766   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "StopDevicePoll\n"
01-16 21:26:34.811 12757 12757 I netdClient: Skipping libnetd_client init since *we* are netd
01-16 21:26:34.822 12757 12757 I netd    : netd 1.0 starting
01-16 21:26:34.832 12757 12757 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 0
01-16 21:26:34.839 12757 12757 D FirewallController: Could not read /proc/self/uid_map, max uid defaulting to 4294967294
01-16 21:26:34.846 12760 12760 I wificond: wificond is starting up...
01-16 21:26:34.864 12760 12760 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default
01-16 21:26:34.871   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "StopInputStream input_streamon 0, input_buffer_map_.size 3\n"
01-16 21:26:34.871   408 12741 I VDA     : [0] "DestroyInputBuffers\n"
01-16 21:26:34.879     0     0 I [ 1205.722255@1]  [1]: release decoder ffffff800bfe0000
01-16 21:26:34.879     0     0 I [ 1205.722539@0]  vframe_rate_uevent: sent uevent FRAME_RATE_HINT=0
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 D         : [ 1205.725880@1]  vdec_disable_DMC input->target= 0x1
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 D         : [ 1205.726237@1]  vdec_release instance 00000000a11a6e5b, total 1
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 D         : [ 1205.726404@1]  the clk_hevcf_mux   clock off, ref cnt: 0
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 D         : [ 1205.726416@1]  the clk_hevcb_mux   clock off, ref cnt: 0
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 D         : [ 1205.726487@1]  the pwrc-hevc       power off
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 D         : [ 1205.726499@1]  the vdec            clock off, ref cnt: 0
01-16 21:26:34.883     0     0 I [ 1205.726715@1]  [1]: v4ldec has been destroyed.
01-16 21:26:34.884   408 12725 D VideoDecWraper: ~VideoDecWraper
01-16 21:26:34.887     0     0 I [ 1205.727486@0]  resman: 33 release [decoder]
01-16 21:26:34.887     0     0 I [ 1205.727517@0]  resman: 33 release [codec_mm]
01-16 21:26:34.884   408 12725 I AmVideoDec: [0] "~AmVideoDec IN[0:0] OUT[0:0]\n"
01-16 21:26:34.884   408 12725 D OmxResManage: Release fd = 12
01-16 21:26:34.884   408 12725 D resman  : release all, fd:12
01-16 21:26:34.884   408 12725 I OmxComponent: OMX-30 STATE_TRANS: OMX_StateIdle => OMX_StateLoaded : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.884   408 12725 I OmxComponent: STATE_DONE:  OMX_StateIdle => OMX_StateLoaded : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.893 12750 12750 D AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> START uid 0 <<<<<<
01-16 21:26:34.898 12750 12750 I AndroidRuntime: Using default boot image
01-16 21:26:34.899 12750 12750 I AndroidRuntime: Leaving lock profiling enabled
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[0]=-Xzygote
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[1]=exit
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[2]=vfprintf
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[3]=sensitiveThread
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[4]=-verbose:gc
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[5]=-XX:PerfettoHprof=true
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[6]=-Xprimaryzygote
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[7]=-Xms8m
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[8]=-Xmx384m
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[9]=-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=256m
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[10]=-XX:HeapMinFree=512k
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[11]=-XX:HeapMaxFree=8m
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[12]=-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.75
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[13]=-Xusejit:true
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[14]=-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[15]=-XjdwpOptions:suspend=n,server=y
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[16]=-XjdwpProvider:default
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[17]=-Xopaque-jni-ids:swapable
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[18]=-Xcompiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[19]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a55
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[20]=-Xcompiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.901 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[21]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[22]=-Xcompiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[23]=--generate-mini-debug-info
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[24]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[25]=--runtime-arg
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[26]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[27]=-Xms64m
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[28]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[29]=--runtime-arg
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[30]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[31]=-Xmx64m
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[32]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[33]=--dirty-image-objects=/system/etc/dirty-image-objects
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[34]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[35]=--instruction-set-variant=cortex-a55
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[36]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[37]=--instruction-set-features=default
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[38]=-Ximage-compiler-option
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[39]=--generate-mini-debug-info
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[40]=-Duser.locale=en-US
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[41]=--cpu-abilist=armeabi-v7a,armeabi
01-16 21:26:34.902 12750 12750 I zygote  : option[42]=-Xfingerprint:Droidlogic/ohm/ohm:11/RD2A.211001.002/eng.yxt-rd.20220113.222059:userdebug/test-keys
01-16 21:26:34.951   281   283 I Magisk  : ** zygote restarted
01-16 21:26:34.975   224   224 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-16 21:26:34.979     0     0 E         : [ 1205.820898@0]  disalbe fastplay
01-16 21:26:35.021     0     0 I [ 1205.855934@0]  binder: release 6388:10993 transaction 5728782 out, still active
01-16 21:26:35.022     0     0 I [ 1205.856159@0]  binder: undelivered TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
01-16 21:26:34.975   408   481 D OmxComponentManagerImpl: DecreaseEntryNumByName pEntry->mNum=1, pEntry->mMaxNum:9,componentName:OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.975   408   481 I omx_core: OMX_freeHandle_num_= 0
01-16 21:26:34.976 12759 12759 I SurfaceFlinger: Using HWComposer service: 'default'
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 D OmxVideoDecoder: ~OmxVideoDecoder===pSidebandWindow:0x0
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 D AmlogicVideoPassthrough: [1]"~AmlogicVideoPassthrough"
01-16 21:26:34.977 12759 12759 I SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger is starting
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 D AmlogicVideoPassthrough: [0]"~AmlogicVideoPassthrough, mOmxInstancenum 0"
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 D OmxComponent: ~OmxComponent 281 : OMX.amlogic.hevc.decoder.awesome2
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 I AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"~AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2"
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"~AmlogicVideoDecoder2"
01-16 21:26:34.977   224   224 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-16 21:26:34.977   408   481 D AmlogicVideoDecoderAwesome2: [20]"~AmlogicVideoDecoder2, mOmxInstancenum 0"
01-16 21:26:34.978   408   481 D OmxResManage: ~ResManWrapper fd = 12
01-16 21:26:34.978   408   481 D resman  : release all resource, fd = 12
01-16 21:26:34.987 12759 12759 I SurfaceFlinger: Disabling backpressure propagation
01-16 21:26:34.987 12759 12759 I SurfaceFlinger: Disabling blur effects, they are not supported.
01-16 21:26:34.987 12759 12759 I SurfaceFlinger: Treble testing override: 'false'
01-16 21:26:34.989 12761 12761 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
01-16 21:26:34.990 12761 12761 I HidlServiceManagement: Removing namespace from process name to audio.service-droidlogic.
01-16 21:26:34.990 12761 12761 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
01-16 21:26:34.991 12757 12757 I netd    : Creating child chains: 120144us
01-16 21:26:34.991 12757 12757 I netd    : Setting up OEM hooks: 267us
01-16 21:26:34.991 12757 12757 I netd    : Setting up FirewallController hooks: 113us
01-16 21:26:35.002 12761 12761 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
01-16 21:26:35.002 12761 12761 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
01-16 21:26:35.003   224   224 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.3::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-16 21:26:35.008 12757 12757 I netd    : Setting up TetherController hooks: 17075us
01-16 21:26:35.011 12761 12761 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.3::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-16 21:26:35.012   224   224 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-16 21:26:35.012 12761 12761 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-16 21:26:35.012   224   224 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-16 21:26:35.013 12761 12761 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-16 21:26:35.013   224   224 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default in either framework or device manifest.
01-16 21:26:35.013 12761 12761 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
01-16 21:26:35.013 12761 12761 W audiohalservice: Could not register Soundtrigger API
01-16 21:26:35.015 12759 12759 I SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
01-16 21:26:35.015 12759 12759 D RenderEngine: RenderEngine GLES Backend
01-16 21:26:35.016 12757 12757 I netd    : Setting up BandwidthController hooks: 8237us
01-16 21:26:35.016 12757 12757 I netd    : Setting up IdletimerController hooks: 158us
01-16 21:26:35.034 12759 12759 D libEGL  : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
01-16 21:26:35.034 12757 12757 I netd    : Setting up StrictController hooks: 17230us
cgutman commented 1 year ago
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : Abort message: 'stack corruption detected (-fstack-protector)'
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     r0  00000000  r1  00000134  r2  00000006  r3  ffd78760
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     r4  ffd78774  r5  ffd78758  r6  00000134  r7  0000016b
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     r8  ffd78760  r9  ffd78770  r10 ffd78790  r11 ffd78780
01-16 21:26:33.798 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :     ip  00000134  sp  ffd78730  lr  ed57b70d  pc  ed57b720
01-16 21:26:33.805   336   385 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.limelight/com.limelight.AppView#0](id:15000000074,api:0,p:-1,c:336) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
01-16 21:26:33.805 12573 12595 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0xeb603278 disconnect failed
01-16 21:26:33.832 12713 12713 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
01-16 21:26:33.832 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc 00038720  /apex/ (abort+172) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 0004629f  /apex/ (__stack_chk_fail+10) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00068dd5  /vendor/lib/hw/ (sc_set_hdmi_allm(bool)+104) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 0003c005  /vendor/lib/hw/ (Hwc2Display::setAutoLowLatencyMode(bool)+24) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #04 pc 000375f9  /vendor/lib/hw/ (MesonHwc2::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+124) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #05 pc 00031c61  /vendor/lib/hw/ (setAutoLowLatencyMode(hwc2_device*, unsigned long long, bool)+10) (BuildId: 51a1b95b30380dcd0cfe987a76864a8e)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #06 pc 00009525  /vendor/bin/hw/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::passthrough::detail::HwcHalImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::ComposerHal>::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+20) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #07 pc 00012807  /vendor/bin/hw/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::detail::ComposerClientImpl<android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::IComposerClient, android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::hal::ComposerHal>::setAutoLowLatencyMode(unsigned long long, bool)+18) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #08 pc 0002c2b7  /apex/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::BnHwComposerClient::_hidl_setAutoLowLatencyMode(android::hidl::base::V1_0::BnHwBase*, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+130) (BuildId: 8d476d4795c9595be944c6f3109a5a10)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #09 pc 0002ce41  /apex/ (android::hardware::graphics::composer::V2_4::BnHwComposerClient::onTransact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+1768) (BuildId: 8d476d4795c9595be944c6f3109a5a10)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #10 pc 0005cf13  /apex/ (android::hardware::BHwBinder::transact(unsigned int, android::hardware::Parcel const&, android::hardware::Parcel*, unsigned int, std::__1::function<void (android::hardware::Parcel&)>)+46) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #11 pc 0005f983  /apex/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+962) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #12 pc 0006075d  /apex/ (android::hardware::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+64) (BuildId: b2897bba963af5c242f38dbfdcb952f8)
01-16 21:26:33.833 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #13 pc 0000708b  /vendor/bin/hw/ (main+262) (BuildId: 5c7be753b91a1db47b1e4f4f4f93f6c7)
01-16 21:26:33.834 12713 12713 F DEBUG   :       #14 pc 00032fe1  /apex/ (__libc_init+68) (BuildId: aed0789431661353f71c0c45b706840f)

This is a bug in Amlogic's hardware composer library in the OS, so it's not something we can fix on our side.

You can disable auto low latency mode at the OS level and enable game mode on your TV manually.