moonlight-stream / moonlight-android

GameStream client for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Issue]: Failed to start RTSP handshake (error 552) - with solution #1301

Open stevekm opened 5 months ago

stevekm commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

When trying to connect to the PC (on local network), Moonlight successfully shows "Starting Steam" messages, Steam starts to load on the PC, then Moonlight shows a message saying:

Connection Error Failed to start RTSP handshake (error 552) Check your firewall and port forwarding rules for port(s): TCP 48010 UDP 48000 UDP 48010

This message appears, and Moonlight fails to connect to the PC, despite the PC having received the connection from Moonlight to start running Steam (usually in Big Picture Mode).


I discovered by accident that this error goes away if Steam is already running when you try to connect with Moonlight.

It appears as if the RTSP handshake is failing, seemingly, because Steam is not fully loaded on the PC at the time that Moonlight is attempting to initiate the handshake; perhaps a longer handshake-timeout of some sort could help? Not sure, just guessing.

If I simply start Steam manually, either in "normal" windowed mode or Big Picture Mode on the PC, then connect with Moonlight, it works perfectly. Note that during all this, Steam is still "running" in the system tray icon on Windows; its the foreground app window that is not running at the time when Moonlight prompts the PC to "start Steam".

Perhaps we can have some sort of note about this type of error behavior added to the docs here;

Steps to reproduce

Attempt to connect to the PC with Moonlight while Steam is not running

Affected games


Other Moonlight clients


Moonlight adjusted settings


Moonlight adjusted settings (please complete the following information)


Moonlight default settings


Gamepad-related connection issue


Gamepad-related input issue


Gamepad-related streaming issue


Android version

Android 11 ; SHIELD Android TV Software Version 9.1.1

Device model

Nvidia Shield TV (2015)

Server PC OS version

Windows 11

Server PC GeForce Experience version

Server PC Nvidia GPU driver version

546.33 desktop win10 win11 64bit international dch whql

Server PC antivirus and firewall software

Windows Defender


No response

Relevant log output

No response

Additional context

No response