moonlight-stream / moonlight-ios

GameStream client for iOS/tvOS
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Apple Pencil hover does not work when keyboard is connected #584

Open hallx833 opened 7 months ago

hallx833 commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug Apple Pencil hover works to move the mouse without actually touching the pencil to the screen and clicking. But once you connect a keyboard (bluetooth or magic keyboard) this stops working.

Steps to reproduce Without a keyboard connected to your ipad, hover the apple pencil over the screen and the mouse will move. Then connect a keyboard, and hover the apple pencil over the screen, and the mouse will not move.

Device details (please complete the following information)

Additional context I believe apple pencil hover only works on the latest m2 ipad pro.

cgutman commented 7 months ago

Interesting, does the same thing happen in other apps that support Apple Pencil hover? I don't have an M2 iPad Pro so I couldn't actually test the hover support.

If you change this line to return NO; does that change anything?

hallx833 commented 7 months ago

I don’t think it has happened in any other apps, I just tested it in procreate and apple pencil hover works fine with my magic keyboard connected.

I haven’t built and run the app before, (I only have a really old macbook) but if I ever attempt it I’ll try changing that line, thanks