moonmaster9000 / dupe

BDD your (ActiveResource compatible) services from the client-side, before they exist.
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No free intercepts when using a url like http://host/api/v1 #8

Closed bloudermilk closed 14 years ago

bloudermilk commented 14 years ago

When my ActiveResource objects are configured to use non-root URLs like http://host/api/v1, Dupe doesn't know how to create the standard CRUD intercepts. It knows to look at at the right URL when .find()ing, but returns this error:

HANDLER ERROR: No mocked service response found for '/api/v1/users/1.xml'

This is easily solved on my side by simply removing everything after http://host/, but it would be nice if there was built in support for this.

moonmaster9000 commented 14 years ago

ah ok i think i c what the problem is. thanks for reporting it! i'll fix it this weekend.

bloudermilk commented 14 years ago

No problem! Dupe has a been a huge help so far in my attempt to TDDize one of my APIs

moonmaster9000 commented 14 years ago

hi brendan,

i'm having trouble duplicating this problem (i'm using Dupe 0.5.1):

  >> require 'dupe'
  => true

  >> class Book < ActiveResource::Base;'/api/vi'; end
  => "/api/vi"

  >> Dupe.define :book 
  => #<Dupe::Model:0x198aa20 @id_sequence=#<Sequence:0x198a9e4 @current_value=1, @transformer=nil>, name:book, schema#<Dupe::Model::Schema:0x198a9f8 @after_create_callbacks=[], @attribute_templates={}>

  => #<URI::Generic:0x198c6f4 URL:/api/vi/>

  >> Book.prefix
  => "/api/vi/"

  >> Dupe.create :book
  => <#Duped::Book id=1>

  >> Book.find 1
  => #<Book:0x1967f34 @attributes={"id"=>1}, prefix_options{}

  >> puts
  Logged Requests:
    Request: GET /api/vi/books/1.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <id type="integer">1</id>
bloudermilk commented 14 years ago

Ahhh, my mistake. This came from the fact that I was including the full url path in a custom .find() call like: Book.find(:all, :from => "http://hostname/author/#{author_id}/books.xml") Once I formatted that call like so: Book.find(:all, :from => "/author/#{author_id}/books.xml") it worked.

Thanks and sorry for wasting your time!