moononournation / T-Deck

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Not loading game from SD Card NES emulation on T-Deck #3

Closed sombrie closed 1 month ago

sombrie commented 8 months ago

Firstly, thank you so very much for your amazing work and contributions. I found you on Instructables and built out an emulator based on the T-8 v1.17 and it worked amazingly!! I have been checking your repositories here at github periodically and I was excited to see your latest repo for the S3 T-Deck!! LilyGo has done a fantastic job with this device and I am quite pleased. That said I have attempted to run the NES example you provided and I am just stuck. With the SD card inserted I get the Nofrendo splash screen, but then nothing. Sound is being output but its just a repeating beeping. When I check the serial console for errors it tells me this:

/fs/zelda.nes NoFrendo start! LILYGO Keyboad not online! key: 255 addr: 0x3FCA994C, size: 61440, line 86 of C:\Users\Abulafia\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino-nofrendo-master\src\bitmap.c -- block corrupt

I have looked over this line of code and I am just not familiar enough to correct the issue, I honestly don't really know what this error means. this is the line of code from the aforementioned error: Line 86 of \src\bitmap.c: addr = NOFRENDO_MALLOC(((pitch height) + 3) & 0xFFFFFFF8); / add max 32-bit aligned adjustment */ if (NULL == addr) return NULL; Whats more is I cannot seem to get mkfatfs to work inside of Arduino. So I cannot upload to FFAT partitions. I can use spiffs, and I can probably use littlefs though I'm not sure how to include littlefs in the hw_config.h. I created a new partition table for the T-deck and have tested spiffs. So I came here to see if you have any ideas why I cannot get a game to load from SD card to the T-deck, nor what the "corrupt block" error is. Any thoughts or pointers would be appreciated very much and I send my best wishes.

moononournation commented 8 months ago

not tried SD card, i am using flash storage only.