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A super Mario video game LEGO image and waiting...... #12

Closed zlzorro closed 2 months ago

zlzorro commented 12 months ago

Thank you very much for your sharing. This resource is really great. I used ESP32 WROOM 32D to implement most of the content, but I am currently stuck on the boot screen(A super Mario video game LEGO image), with waiting displayed in the upper left corner. One step needs to press the A key, (the button is connected to the ground with a 10K resistor according to the blueprint), but there is still no response, but after long pressing the A keyboard and restarting, you can see the Chase.nes game file name displayed in the upper left corner of the boot screen , I can't continue after that, I tried pressing Select and other buttons, but it did not work. I hope you guys can help me to find out what's going on, thank you very much. The hardware I use is: MCU: ESP32 WROOM 32D Display: ST7796S File mode: SPIFFS Compilation mode: Arduino IDE compile and upload