moononournation / arduino-nofrendo

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bitmap.c block corrupt ERROR #2

Closed thomasgoehler closed 1 year ago

thomasgoehler commented 3 years ago

Hi moononournation, i have build your project which you published on "instructables". Compiling and uploading works without problems. When I restart the TTGO T8 v1.7 I only get a grey screen and on the serial console it shows me the following error:

addr: 0x3FFCF944, size: 61443, line 86 of C:\Users\thomas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino-nofrendo-master\src\bitmap.c -- block corrupt

can you fix it?

moononournation commented 3 years ago

the log "bitmap.c -- block corrupt" is fine. It is nofrendo normal debug message and you can see this message means nofrendo runs well. The grey screen probably caused by the LCD connection. To narrow down the problem, you can first try to run the Arduino_GFX PDQgraphictest example for testing the display only.

moononournation commented 1 year ago

Can you run Arduino_GFX PDQgraphictest example correctly?

moononournation commented 1 year ago

sorry, nes cannot display in 160x128 resolution