moonpyk / mvcdonutcaching

ASP.NET MVC Extensible Donut Caching brings donut caching to ASP.NET MVC 3 and later. The code allows you to cache all of your page apart from one or more Html.Actions which can be executed every request. Perfect for user specific content.
MIT License
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[MVC6] Support for View Components #41

Open jbreuer opened 9 years ago

jbreuer commented 9 years ago

Subcontrollers – the Html.Action() helper — are not included in the current beta of MVC 6. Instead, MVC 6 includes an alternative technology called View Components.

More info: number 5.

I would love to use donut caching in MVC 6, but since it doesn't have the Html.Action() helper it probably won't work.

moonpyk commented 9 years ago

MVC6 is gonna need a partial rewrite for MvcDonutCaching, I think the best for now is to wait first RC of MVC6 to see exactly what will be the exact exposed API.

moonpyk commented 9 years ago

mixerp commented 7 years ago

Hi, would like to understand whether we have a plan to support core?