moonpyk / mvcdonutcaching

ASP.NET MVC Extensible Donut Caching brings donut caching to ASP.NET MVC 3 and later. The code allows you to cache all of your page apart from one or more Html.Actions which can be executed every request. Perfect for user specific content.
MIT License
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Update Nuget packages, added support to cache headers #43

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

migig commented 9 years ago


@moonpyk Looks like this works nicely. Also, do you think that if I want to do the reverse, i.e exclude certain headers (e.g. cookies), then a good way to do it is to copy what irii did in this line, but to remove headers rather than add them?

ghost commented 9 years ago

I think both ways (exclude and cache) should be included. It depdends always on the current case.

migig commented 9 years ago

@moonpyk +1 should be merged

moonpyk commented 9 years ago

@LinuxDoku, thanks a lot for the contribution ! Could you rebase -i your commit to include only changes to MvcDonutCaching library the code (not all the project and nuget package mess) ?

migig commented 9 years ago

@irii @LinuxDoku