moonrepo / proto

A pluggable multi-language version manager.
MIT License
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Feature request: local plugin registry #558

Open W1M0R opened 1 month ago

W1M0R commented 1 month ago

This is my .prototools at the moment:

golangci-lint = "1.59.1"
gum = "0.14.1"
pixi = "0.25.0"
aqua = "2.30.0"
sttr = "0.2.22"
names = "0.14.0"
commitlint = "0.1.11"
bkt = "0.8.0"
fzf = "0.54.0"
watchexec = "2.0.0"

golangci-lint = "file://etc/proto/golangci-lint/plugin.toml"
pixi = "file://etc/proto/pixi/plugin.toml"
watchexec = "file://etc/proto/watchexec/plugin.toml"
sttr = "file://etc/proto/sttr/plugin.toml"
staticcheck = "file://etc/proto/staticcheck/plugin.toml"
templ = "file://etc/proto/templ/plugin.toml"
aqua = "file://etc/proto/aqua/plugin.toml"
gum = "file://etc/proto/gum/plugin.toml"
names = "file://etc/proto/names/plugin.toml"
goi18n = "file://etc/proto/goi18n/plugin.toml"
commitlint = "file://etc/proto/commitlint/plugin.toml"
bkt = "file://etc/proto/bkt/plugin.toml"
fzf = "file://etc/proto/fzf/plugin.toml"

It feels unfamiliar to have to specify each package effectively twice: once to declare it as a plugin and once to use it.

It would feel more natural if you could specify a plugin registry (as a plugin itself maybe, or as a setting), and then the packages.

Option 1

This option assumes there is a toml-registry-plugin, probably implemented in Wasm. You can instantiate the plugin multiple times, and configure the plugin, and use the plugin name as a prefix when referencing packages.

golangci-lint = "foo1://1.59.1"
gum = "foo1://0.14.1"
pixi = "foo1://0.25.0"
aqua = "foo1://2.30.0"
sttr = "foo1://0.2.22"
names = "foo1://0.14.0"
commitlint = "foo1://0.1.11"
bkt = "foo1://0.8.0"
fzf = "foo1://0.54.0"
watchexec = "foo2://2.0.0"

foo1 = "source:"
foo2 = "source:"

path = "file://etc/proto"

path = ""

This is probably unnecessarily complex and confusing.

Option 2

In this example, if proto can't find any of the listed packages in its own set of built-ins, then it consults the toml-fallback-path setting to see if the package is listed there.

golangci-lint = "1.59.1"
gum = "0.14.1"
pixi = "0.25.0"
aqua = "2.30.0"
sttr = "0.2.22"
names = "0.14.0"
commitlint = "0.1.11"
bkt = "0.8.0"
fzf = "0.54.0"

toml-fallback-path = ["file://etc/proto", ""]

This is probably the simplest to implement, since no plugin needs to be added.

Option 3

This option assumes that, just like go, a built-in plugin exists (maybe source: that gets activated if a certain file exists, e.g. .prototools.registry. That file could specify where to find the toml plugin files. The plugin could also get activated if there is a relevant setting configured (e.g. tools.registry).

golangci-lint = "1.59.1"
gum = "0.14.1"
pixi = "0.25.0"
aqua = "2.30.0"
sttr = "0.2.22"
names = "0.14.0"
commitlint = "0.1.11"
bkt = "0.8.0"
fzf = "0.54.0"

paths = ["file://etc/proto", ""]

This seems like a clean way to introduce and use this feature, however, I'm not sure if the current plugin infrastructure allows for a plugin with this kind of functionality. This would probably require changes to plugin capabilities and hooks inside proto itself. Seems a bit complex, and I'm not sure if the payoff is worth it.

milesj commented 1 month ago

A plugin registry is on the roadmap but it will be a while before it lands.

I do agree though that adding 2 entries for each plugin is kind of a lot. I typically add the [plugins] entries to the global config, and then the versions to the local configs. That at least cleans it up a bit.

W1M0R commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the tip! It does clean it up a bit, and it's not that much additional effort. I add the plugins to the root of my monorepo, and then let subprojects use the packages and set the versions.