moonrepo / setup-rust

A maintained GitHub action for setting up Rust and Cargo.
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Add a flag to install rustup if it doesn't exist #8

Closed prabirshrestha closed 11 months ago

prabirshrestha commented 1 year ago

README explicitly says it doesn't install rustup if it isn't found. I'm using gitea with actions and noticed that it didn't work due to missing rustup. Is it possible to have an explicit flag install_rustup: true?

milesj commented 1 year ago

@prabirshrestha The rustup-init script is very interactive, and I wasn't sure if bypassing all of it was the best approach.

prabirshrestha commented 1 year ago

Probably can pass -y flag to accept default.

curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain none -y
source ~/.cargo/env
milesj commented 11 months ago

Available in v1.