:bug: Channel-based text-only commandless TTS channels not working.
Configured bot to use a specific engine on a specific channel. Used /say command to force bot to join VOIP chat and yet, any plain text entered into the text channel does not get fed into the TTS bot.
:pencil2: Steps to Reproduce
set "enable_tts_channels": true,
Choose a # channel that the bot has access to.
Run /set_channel_provider and choose any engine.
Bring bot into your VOIP channel with /say command.
Type plain text into the # channel.
Note the bot does not announce your text.
:confused: Expected behavior
TTS bot should speak the plain text with the provider set.
:bug: Channel-based text-only commandless TTS channels not working.
:pencil2: Steps to Reproduce
"enable_tts_channels": true,
:confused: Expected behavior
:scroll: Log