moontreeapp / moontree

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show empty rvn when we have transactions, but no value #648

Closed lastmeta closed 1 year ago

lastmeta commented 1 year ago

green more crawl humble ketchup fancy roof gossip endorse cost until company

lastmeta commented 1 year ago

we thought about showing all assets, but then thought that'd be weird if they all disappeared when you got some value. so for now, just show empty RVN if no value in wallet, but there had been value at one point.

lastmeta commented 1 year ago

also fixed a few other small things I noticed while testing:

  1. added view of address on receive screen
  2. fixed scan screen for android (sometimes is black)
  3. on initial startup it used to show a shimmer before Getting Started screen - fixed, this was because we do want it to show a shimmer during import (a very similar state) but now it's differentiated and it only shows the shimmer during import, not on startup.
  4. on initial create screen it would say match on empty strings for password and confirm password - fixed.