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HTTP tunnel 和 CONNECT 方法 #36

Open moooofly opened 5 years ago

moooofly commented 5 years ago


在 HTTP 协议中,CONNECT 方法可以开启一个客户端与所请求资源之间的双向沟通的通道。它可以用来创建隧道(tunnel)。

例如,CONNECT 可以用来访问采用了 SSL (HTTPS) 协议的站点。客户端要求代理服务器将 TCP 连接作为通往目的主机隧道。之后该服务器会代替客户端与目的主机建立连接。连接建立好之后,代理服务器会面向客户端发送或接收 TCP 消息流。

CONNECT 是一个应用范围为点到点的方法。




一些代理服务器在创建隧道时会要求进行身份验证。参见 Proxy-Authorization 首部。

Proxy-Authorization: basic aGVsbG86d29ybGQ=


RFC 7231, section 4.3.6: CONNECT

moooofly commented 5 years ago

HTTP tunnel

HTTP tunneling is used to create a network link between two computers in conditions of restricted network connectivity including firewalls, NATs and ACLs, among other restrictions. The tunnel is created by an intermediary called a proxy server which is usually located in a DMZ.

Tunneling can also allow communication using a protocol that normally wouldn’t be supported on the restricted network.


The most common form of HTTP tunneling is the standardized HTTP CONNECT method.[1][2] In this mechanism, the client asks an HTTP proxy server to forward the TCP connection to the desired destination. The server then proceeds to make the connection on behalf of the client. Once the connection has been established by the server, the proxy server continues to proxy the TCP stream to and from the client. Only the initial connection request is HTTP - after that, the server simply proxies the established TCP connection.

This mechanism is how a client behind an HTTP proxy can access websites using SSL or TLS (i.e. HTTPS). Proxy servers may also limit connections by only allowing connections to the default HTTPS port 443, whitelisting hosts, or blocking traffic which doesn't appear to be SSL.

Example negotiation

The client connects to the proxy server and requests tunneling by specifying the port and the host computer it would like to connect to. The port is used to indicate the protocol being requested.[3]

Proxy-Authorization: Basic encoded-c

If the connection was allowed and the proxy has connected to the specified host then the proxy will return a 2XX success response.[3]

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The client is now being proxied to the remote host. Any data sent to the proxy server is now forwarded, unmodified, to the remote host[3] and the client can communicate using any protocol accepted by the remote host. In the example below, the client is starting SSH communications as hinted to, by the port number, in the initial CONNECT request.


HTTP tunneling without using CONNECT

A HTTP tunnel can also be implemented using only the usual HTTP methods as POST, GET, PUT and DELETE. This is similar to the approach used in Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH).

In this proof-of-concept program , a special HTTP server runs outside the protected network and a client program is run on a computer inside the protected network. Whenever any network traffic is passed from the client, the client repackages the traffic data as a HTTP request and relays the data to the outside server, which extracts and executes the original network request for the client. The response to the request, sent to the server, is then repackaged as an HTTP response and relayed back to the client. Since all traffic is encapsulated inside normal GET and POST requests and responses, this approach works through most proxies and firewalls.