Closed samhodge closed 6 years ago
Not nicely written up, but here's the snippet:
Do you have a .pb file ready to go that matches with that model, or do I need to convert the materport myself? if so can I find the steps on that thread? this should make one for me, just need to get my Python toolchain up and running.
Nearly there, using the matterport master and converting using ericj974 branch I get the following error
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: Expected mask dimensions to be [1,100,28,28,2] but got: [1,100,28,28,81]
Any ideas?
I would send you my .pb, but I dont know where to upload it to.
Here is my export script
import scripts.export_model
import config
import coco
class InferenceConfig(coco.CocoConfig):
# Set batch size to 1 since we'll be running inference on
# one image at a time. Batch size = GPU_COUNT * IMAGES_PER_GPU
config = InferenceConfig()
scripts.export_model.export(config,scripts.MODEL_DIR ,scripts.COCO_MODEL_PATH)
with the v1.0 Matterport .h5 file from: actually it might be the v2.0 version. let me go back and check I am trying to upload my .pb file for you to have a look but Australian internet is slow.
OK here is the .pb file I made with the process above: this is where I am up to I really dont have much idea what I am doing.
Hey Sam -- I'm sorry that I don't have time at the moment to help.
Thanks for responding
This url is not exists, who can give a right link. Thank you!
Got it ,Thank you! I have translate .h5 file to .pb file,when I use opencv3.4.4 to call my .pb model file, a new problem have arisen,as shown below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "
Do you have the ability to process the segmentation from a mask RCNN example.
That would be really useful.