mooreniemi / Transbucket_Rails

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threaded discussions on procedure pages #53

Closed mooreniemi closed 8 years ago

mooreniemi commented 8 years ago

mooreniemi commented 8 years ago

screenshot 2016-07-12 22 51 17

mooreniemi commented 8 years ago

this is why we havent just made comments commentable, but instead are using the _threading gem. performance is pretty bad though. caching has brought it down to 2000 ms or so

mooreniemi commented 8 years ago

still problematic (app/views/comments/new.js.erb):

$("<%= @parent_id ? "#comment-#{@parent_id} " : '#commentable' %>.reply-target").last().append(
  "<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'comments/form', :locals => { :comment => @new_comment }) %>"
mooreniemi commented 8 years ago

merged into staging at ecd3207c66a970639f0b11122bbfd8433fa7222e