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Conference webpage
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Create an abstract submission page #2

Closed moorepants closed 7 years ago

moorepants commented 7 years ago
moorepants commented 7 years ago

We cna pay $39 for WP Forms basic for a year to get reg protection, or maybe this:

Reg captcha options:

moorepants commented 7 years ago

To enable captcha on the wpabstracts form I can add this line:

if( function_exists( 'gglcptch_display' ) ) { echo gglcptch_display(); };

to line 409 of wpabstracts_pro/inc/wpabstracts_functions.php.

moorepants commented 7 years ago

Note that now I turned off the recaptcha on login so that it works with the wp_form_login() function that wpabstracts uses. There may be a way to integrate the captcha in the wpabstracts code to make things all work together. I'm not sure why wp_login_form() doesn't use the google recaptcha plugin stuff.

moorepants commented 7 years ago

I'm calling this one done. We can add the LaTeX template if someone asks for it. (which that might be me)