moose / MooseX-Storage

A serialization framework for Moose classes
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Deep nested objects fix (RT Bug #81236) #7

Open dim0xff opened 10 years ago

dim0xff commented 10 years ago

Wrong packing/unpacking for nested objects

my $obj = StorableClass->new(
    h => {
         a => [ StorableClass->new(s => 'value'),
} );
my $hashref = $obj->pack;

Packs into:

    __CLASS__ => 'StorableClass',
    h => {
        a => [ bless({s => 'value'}, 'StorableClass') ]    # Blessed! XXX
karenetheridge commented 10 years ago

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 03:07:21AM -0700, Dmitry Latin wrote:

Wrong packing/unpacking for nested objects

Awesome, thanks! I hope to circle back to doing some maintenance on MooseX::Storage in the next week or so, and will include your patch.

karenetheridge commented 9 years ago

Thanks! I've merged this with some very small amendments for style to minimize the diffs, and squashed the test commits together with their corresponding .pm fixes.

karenetheridge commented 9 years ago

I'm terribly sorry, but I've reverted these changes in release 0.50. While mostly only new features are added, some existing behaviour has changed (see, and until we can at least successfully pack/unpack as many objects as we could before, this feature can't be released as stable.

I've added a TODO test (t/080) which demonstrates a usecase that doesn't work that ought to, and created a new branch ( which re-adds these changes, along with one fix that I was able to identify.

The unpacking case for ArrayRef[JSON::PP::Boolean] is tricky -- it's going to require passing around the type constraint into the expand subs (probably as one of the @args, after the option hash) so we can recurse down into it. I played around with it a little bit while I was hoping to still fix this, but it was getting ugly, so I decided that reverting now and then taking more time to consider a good solution would be better.

Sorry again. This is a desirable feature, but it needs more iterations and testing first (and a -TRIAL release - that was an error on my part sending it out as stable right away).

dim0xff commented 9 years ago

Probably JSON::PP::Boolean type handler should look like here:

    'JSON::PP::Boolean' => (
        expand   => sub { $_[0]{__value} ? JSON::PP::true : JSON::PP::false },
        collapse => sub { { __CLASS__ => 'JSON::PP::Boolean', __value => "$_[0]" } },

Because 1 and [0, 1] from

    __CLASS__ => 'Foo',
    one_bool => 1,
    many_bools => [ 0, 1 ],

couldn't be converted into objects.

PS: actually it could, but ArrayRef[JSON::PP::Boolean] should be a Moosified type with coercion, I think.

karenetheridge commented 9 years ago

collapse => sub { { __CLASS__ => 'JSON::PP::Boolean', __value => "$_[0]" } },

This doesn't work -- anything used in __CLASS__ must be a Moose class with a meta method.

It should be possiblefor the type handlers to handle any type -- the trick is that the ArrayRef and HashRef expand subs need to recurse into the type constraint to find the root type (and if we're unpacking something like HashRef[ArrayRef[JSON::PP::Boolean]] this needs to keep recursing until the bottom).

I had an experimental code diff that looked like this:

      # These are the trickier ones, (see notes)
      'ArrayRef' => {
          expand => sub {
--            my ( $array, @args ) = @_;
++            my ( $array, $options, $type_constraint ) = @_;
++# XXX we need to know what the attribute is that we are expanding!!!
++# we could get this passed along in @args!!!
++print "### in ArrayRef expansion for array ", Dumper($array);
              foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$array}) {
++                my $element_type_constraint = $type_constraint && $type_constraint->can('type_parameter') ? $type_constraint->type_parameter : undef;
                  if (ref($array->[$i]) eq 'HASH') {
                      $array->[$i] = exists($array->[$i]{$CLASS_MARKER})
--                        ? $OBJECT_HANDLERS{expand}->($array->[$i], @args)
--                        : $TYPES{HashRef}{expand}->($array->[$i], @args);
++                        ? $OBJECT_HANDLERS{expand}->($array->[$i], $options)
++                        : $TYPES{HashRef}{expand}->($array->[$i], $options);
                  elsif (ref($array->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') {
--                    $array->[$i] = $TYPES{ArrayRef}{expand}->($array->[$i], @args);
++# XXX this case might degrade into the third case...
++                    $array->[$i] = $TYPES{ArrayRef}{expand}->($array->[$i], $options);
++                }
++                elsif ($element_type_constraint
++                       and my $handler = eval { __PACKAGE__->find_type_handler($element_type_constraint, $array->[$i]) }) {
++print "### here is the OTHER case for expanding an arrayref element -- need moar code here\n";
++# XXX look at the element type constraint parameter type...
++# if we have an entry for it, then recurse!
++# maybe this needs to be the first check we do, not the last?
++                    $array->[$i] = $handler->{expand}->($array->[$i], $options, $element_type_constraint);
dim0xff commented 9 years ago

Take a look to last commit 7e73099 I suggest the idea to prefer using $TYPES expand/collapse when exists, otherwise fallback to default $OBJECT_HANDLERS expand/collapse (via ->unpack method)