Hi, I have MooseFS installed on the armv7/armhf nodes and my main k3s cluster is consuming it without any issues.
After validating overall performance/stability, I've also thought to add MFS CSI to my armv7/armhf K3S cluster, however each of the pod's container log is failing with a single error in log.
for example, for controller
exec /csi-provisioner: exec format error
exec /csi-attacher: exec format error
exec /csi-resizer: exec format error
exec /bin/moosefs-csi-plugin: exec format error
same goes for the node pods.
looks like, those images aren't built for armhf/armv7 however are tagged like that, or am I missing something?
Hi, I have MooseFS installed on the armv7/armhf nodes and my main k3s cluster is consuming it without any issues. After validating overall performance/stability, I've also thought to add MFS CSI to my armv7/armhf K3S cluster, however each of the pod's container log is failing with a single error in log. for example, for controller provisioner:
exec /csi-provisioner: exec format error
attacher:exec /csi-attacher: exec format error
resizer:exec /csi-resizer: exec format error
csi-moosefs-plugin:exec /bin/moosefs-csi-plugin: exec format error
same goes for the node pods. looks like, those images aren't built for armhf/armv7 however are tagged like that, or am I missing something?Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"28", GitVersion:"v1.28.2+k3s1", GitCommit:"6330a5b49cfe3030af9c26ec29471e1d5c288cdd", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-09-20T23:41:19Z", GoVersion:"go1.20.8 X:nounified", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/arm"}