moosetechnology / ClassNameAnalyser

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Don't hardcode colors in DMClassNameBlueprintBuilder >> attributeColorsTo: #5

Open olekscode opened 5 years ago

olekscode commented 5 years ago

Your method looks like this:

attributeColorsTo: aCollectionOfRootClasses

    | arrayOfColors index |
    arrayOfColors := {#red . #blue . #pink . #purple . #tan . #yellow.
    #orange . #magenta . #green . #gray . #cyan . #brown . #darkGray.
    #lightBlue . #lightBrown . #lightCyan . #lightGray . #lightGreen.
    #lightMagenta . #lightOrange . #lightRed . #lightYellow . #paleBuff.
    #paleGreen . #paleMagenta . #paleOrange . #palePeach . #paleRed . #paleTan.
    #paleYellow . #black}.
    index := 0.
    rootClassesColors := (aCollectionOfRootClasses asBag sortedCounts) collect: [ :anAssociation | 
        (index == arrayOfColors size)
        ifFalse: [ index := index + 1 ] .
        (anAssociation value -> (arrayOfColors at: index)). 
     ^ rootClassesColors 

I suggest that you use some function of Color to get an array of colors. For example:

Color wheel: 10.

If you still want to have colors hardcoded, put that array into a separate method that can be overriden by subclass:

    ^ {#red . #blue . #pink . #purple . #tan . #yellow.
    #orange . #magenta . #green . #gray . #cyan . #brown . #darkGray.
    #lightBlue . #lightBrown . #lightCyan . #lightGray . #lightGreen.
    #lightMagenta . #lightOrange . #lightRed . #lightYellow . #paleBuff.
    #paleGreen . #paleMagenta . #paleOrange . #palePeach . #paleRed . #paleTan.
    #paleYellow . #black}.
attributeColorsTo: aCollectionOfRootClasses
    | arrayOfColors index |
    arrayOfColors := self palette.
    index := 0.
    rootClassesColors := (aCollectionOfRootClasses asBag sortedCounts) collect: [ :anAssociation | 
        (index == arrayOfColors size)
        ifFalse: [ index := index + 1 ] .
        (anAssociation value -> (arrayOfColors at: index)). 
     ^ rootClassesColors