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Variables group in `Equivalence` statement do not cover the case with character substring names #216

Open lsafina opened 3 months ago

lsafina commented 3 months ago

Equivalence statement's elements can include list of variable names, array element names, array names, and character substring names. Currently it is implemented as each its element should be of FASTFortranVariable, which is not the case for character substring names.

This can be fixed in two ways

  1. Make FASTFortranSubstring extend FASTFortranVariable
  2. Loose the type of variable group making it less restrictive
lsafina commented 3 months ago


NicolasAnquetil commented 3 months ago

Character substring are expression of the form S(I:L) ? We could:

NicolasAnquetil commented 3 months ago

inviting @uNouss to the discussion

lsafina commented 3 months ago
