moosetechnology / FAST-Pharo

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Bug in metamodel: FASTAssignementStatement #5

Open NicolasAnquetil opened 11 months ago

NicolasAnquetil commented 11 months ago

this code:

assign := FASTPharoAssignmentExpression new.
assign variable: (FASTVariableExpression new name: 'lhs').
assign expression: (FASTVariableExpression new name: 'rhs').

results in an assignment where the #variable is named 'rhs' and not 'lhs'

NicolasAnquetil commented 11 months ago

The problem does not occur if we reverse the order:

assign := FASTPharoAssignmentExpression new.
assign expression: (FASTVariableExpression new name: 'rhs').
assign variable: (FASTVariableExpression new name: 'lhs').

(meaning the #variable is correctly named 'lhs')