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GTInspector capture Roassal keystroke #1088

Closed seandenigris closed 7 years ago

seandenigris commented 9 years ago

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 1088

Consider the following:

view := RTView new.
view add: (RTBox new size: 50) element.

view on: TRKeyDown do: [ :evt | 
    evt keyCombination = $j command ifTrue: [ RTZoomInMove on: view ].
    evt keyCombination = $k command ifTrue: [ RTZoomOutMove on: view ] ].

Apparently, there is no way, the keydown event are emitted in GTInpsector? I have to
open the view for this :-(
Can this be fixed?

Doru: It looks like the Pager does not allow the Roassal presentation to take the focus
at all.

Reported by on 2014-10-02 14:32:08

girba commented 7 years ago

This code no longer works.