Closed bergel closed 6 years ago
I have updated roassal in order to use events in fixed shapes for roassal2 Please try with the next piece of code
| lb b |
b := RTMondrian new.
b shape rectangle
width: [ :c | c numberOfVariables * 5 ];
height: #numberOfMethods.
b nodes: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
b edges connectFrom: #superclass.
b layout tree.
b normalizer
normalizeColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode using: (Array with: Color black with: Color red).
b build.
lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb onDemand: '+Info'.
lb view: b view.
lb addText: 'System complexity view'.
lb addRectanglePolymetricWidth: 'number of methods' height: 'Line of code' box: 'a Pharo class'.
lb build.
^ b view
The html result should be like this
Works well! Thanks!
Just wanted to report that when I add a legend to RTView, it works as expected when I ispect the view. When I export it to HTML, it shows the node, but neither mouse clicking nor hovering bring up the popup.