Closed seandenigris closed 9 years ago
It appears that the problem with .344 might just be something at my end. Downloading
moose4.7 just now that includes .344 has no problem.
Reported by benjamin.t.coman
on 2012-10-14 18:46:11
Tracked the problem down - due to version .344 adding the ivar 'offset' to
ROShorterDistanceAttachPoint and also...
super initialize.
offset := 0.
but ROAbstractLine>>initialize uses 'ROShorterDistanceAttachPoint instance' to
get a cached object...
ROShorterDistanceAttachPoint >>instance
instance ifNil: [ instance := self new ].
^ instance
so the offset ivar of the cached object was 'nil' rather than the expected '0',
and fixed with...
ROShorterDistanceAttachPoint resetInstance
Reported by benjamin.t.coman
on 2012-10-15 13:37:37
I have updated this to Roassal-BenComan.348 based off latest Roassal-AlexandreBergel.345.
It is attached as a mcz since I was having trouble using Change Sorter properly.
Renamed RORubberBanding to RORubberBand.
Added target highlighting to RORubberBand.
Added RORemoveEdge.
Reported by benjamin.t.coman
on 2012-10-15 13:42:37
An alternative implementation that exposes more end-user control of actions applied
to items moving into and out of the target selection (see attached .349).
Created ROSelection. Modified RORubberBand and ROExample>>rubberBandOn: to use this.
The side-effect is slightly streamlined RORubberBand>>initializeElement: and reduced
RORubberBand ivars.
Reported by benjamin.t.coman
on 2012-10-15 14:35:59
Some cleanup of RORubberBand that I missed.
Reported by benjamin.t.coman
on 2012-10-15 15:23:59
In Roassal 1.166. Thanks Ben!
Reported by alexandre.bergel
on 2012-10-15 16:18:30
Reported by
on 2013-03-03 13:04:50
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 852
Reported by
on 2012-10-14 15:51:14