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Perplexing Request/Thenable/then Behavior #2775

Open CNSKnight opened 7 years ago

CNSKnight commented 7 years ago

v1.5.2 Two issues: I intermittently get a thenable back from Request w/no .then method?

r = new Request.JSON({url: ''})
Object {$chain: Array[0], $events: F, options: Object, $caller: null, $family: null…}

When it accepts the .then, neither callback applied ever gets called?

r = new Request({url: ..., onFailure: ...);
r.then(success, failure); // neither gets called even on a 200 response
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timwienk commented 7 years ago


I think there is a mixup somewhere, Class.Thenable was introduced in 1.6.0. So if you're using 1.5.2, the Request.JSON classes won't inherit from the Class.Thenable mixin since it doesn't exist yet.

Could you check again? Could it be that multiple versions are loaded and a race condition makes for the inconsistent behaviour?

In case it helps: