mootools / mootools-core

MooTools Core Repository
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node modules error #2833

Closed LeviAckerman1234 closed 1 year ago

LeviAckerman1234 commented 1 year ago

hi because of mootools i am getting 2 moderate severity vulnerabilities npm audit fix wont do anything any fix for this need this fixed asap

orf commented 1 year ago

Honest question, because I’ve always wanted to know. What makes people like yourself open such completely vague issues like this?

I would assume it would be totally obvious that you should include at the very least a link to the security vulnerabilities you are referencing, or some kind of screenshot or output from NPM audit. Or just something. All this is issue is shouting “it doesn’t work” into the void that is a clearly unmaintained repository.

So out of genuine interest, why did you decide to open an issue like this with absolutely no information anyone can use to actually help you @LeviAckerman1234?

orf commented 1 year ago

You've done the same thing in a bunch of other places:

I'm being serious, I'd really like to understand your thought processes behind creating these issues. Do you make a conscious choice to not include any details in any of these issues, or does it just not cross your mind? If it's the latter then why?

SergioCrisostomo commented 1 year ago

Please be more specific and explain how to reproduce your errors.