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Add "service.js" using forever-monitor + basic logging functionality. #214

Closed timwienk closed 8 years ago

timwienk commented 8 years ago

Most important changes:

Why forever-monitor and not forever? The reason we want either of these is to have a "master" kind of process that interacts with and keeps an eye on the application process. What we don't need is another arbitrary process manager (the "actual" process manager, sysvinit/upstart/systemd, can do that fine). forever-monitor is only the "master process" part of forever, it turned out to be easy to integrate and when integrated it's easy to hook into (e.g. for restarting, stopping and/or logging kinds of things). forever would not really be integrated in the application (it's normally even installed and configured globally), and it would add a layer of process management we're not looking for.