X9’s Specifications for ICL (Image Cash Letter) to provide Check 21 services. The HTTP server is available in a Docker image and the Go package is available.
Using v0.9.5 .exe on Windows 11 to create a x937 file of scanned in checks to send to bank to deposit. Creating the file via the client REST API and save it as a .x937 file extension and send to bank. The credit related details are missing. Also I see type 61, but nothing is in the client REST for this, can that be added to the client REST API and docs? Related: #249, #247, #321
What did you expect to see?
Credit items added to the icl/x937 file, but they are missing.
As of 2023-12-20, the example here: https://moov-io.github.io/imagecashletter/api/#post-/files/create has creditItems in the JSON. Using Postman, take that JSON and a POST /files/create method and then retrieve the data via GET /files/{fileID}. It does not have credit items. Then get the contents and save the icl via the GET /files/{fileID}/contents and save to Downloads as test-icl.x937. Open the created file in X9Assist and/or MavBridge X9 Analyzer and there are no credit items.
Any updates?
Thinking the openapi.yaml needs to be updated. It doesn't make any sense that use the API demo to create an ICL file leading to the file missing some fields when reading.
What were you trying to do?
Using v0.9.5 .exe on Windows 11 to create a x937 file of scanned in checks to send to bank to deposit. Creating the file via the client REST API and save it as a .x937 file extension and send to bank. The credit related details are missing. Also I see type 61, but nothing is in the client REST for this, can that be added to the client REST API and docs? Related: #249, #247, #321
What did you expect to see?
Credit items added to the icl/x937 file, but they are missing.
What did you see?
Working file with no credit items. I have reviewed in both: X9Assist and MavBridge X9 Analyzer
How can we reproduce the problem?
As of 2023-12-20, the example here: https://moov-io.github.io/imagecashletter/api/#post-/files/create has creditItems in the JSON. Using Postman, take that JSON and a POST /files/create method and then retrieve the data via GET /files/{fileID}. It does not have credit items. Then get the contents and save the icl via the GET /files/{fileID}/contents and save to Downloads as test-icl.x937. Open the created file in X9Assist and/or MavBridge X9 Analyzer and there are no credit items.
The mentioned example JSON as of 2023-12-20 is attached. create-file-2023-12-20.json