$: gvm install go1.20 --binary && gvm use go1.20
Installing go1.20 from binary source
Now using version go1.20
...but this does not work
$: gvm install go1.20 --name=test-go1.20 --binary && gvm use test-go1.20
Installing test-go1.20 from binary source
ERROR: Failed to use installed version
...even though it used to work.
$: bash -s -- 19365a6 < <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
$: source $HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm
$: gvm install go1.20 --name=test-go1.20 && gvm use test-go1.20
Installing go1.20 as test-go1.20...
* Compiling...
test-go1.20 successfully installed!
Now using version test-go1.20
This works:
...but this does not work
...even though it used to work.