mopidy / mopidy-spotify

Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify
Apache License 2.0
934 stars 108 forks source link

[Bug] Fedora 38: GStreamer error: Could not get/set settings from/on resource. #366

Closed toadFrogski closed 10 months ago

toadFrogski commented 10 months ago

I can't listen to music from spotify after building the extension, even though I have a connection

 ERROR    2023-11-05 21:42:44,923 [124018:MainThread]
Nov 05 21:42:44 toadski mopidy[124018]:   GStreamer error: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.

mopidy conf

cache_dir = $XDG_CACHE_DIR/mopidy
config_dir = $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/mopidy
data_dir = $XDG_DATA_DIR/mopidy
max_tracklist_length = 10000
restore_state = true

verbosity = 0
format = %(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s [%(process)d:%(threadName)s] %(name)s\n  %(message)s
color = true
config_file =

mixer = software
mixer_volume =
output = alsasink
buffer_time =

scheme =
hostname =
port =
username =
password =

enabled = true
username = ********
password = ********
client_id = ********
client_secret = ********
bitrate = 160
volume_normalization = true
timeout = 10
allow_cache = true
cache_size = 8192
allow_playlists = true
search_album_count = 20
search_artist_count = 10
search_track_count = 50

enabled = true
debug = false

enabled = true
media_dirs =
excluded_file_extensions =
show_dotfiles = false
follow_symlinks = false
metadata_timeout = 1000

enabled = true
hostname =
port = 6680
zeroconf = Mopidy HTTP server on $hostname
allowed_origins =
csrf_protection = true
default_app = mopidy

enabled = true
base_dir = $XDG_MUSIC_DIR
default_encoding = latin-1
default_extension = .m3u8
playlists_dir =

enabled = true

enabled = true
protocols =
metadata_blacklist =
timeout = 5000

enabled = true
hostname =
port = 6600
password =
max_connections = 20
connection_timeout = 60
zeroconf = Mopidy MPD server on $hostname
command_blacklist =
default_playlist_scheme = m3u
kingosticks commented 10 months ago

Your running the latest code from the main branch here?

toadFrogski commented 10 months ago

@kingosticks i use installation instructions. Btw local files and gst-launch audiotestrc !autoresample !alsasync device=hw:0 works fine

kingosticks commented 10 months ago

Can you provide a fuller debug log?

Does this work?

gst-launch-1.0 spotifyaudiosrc username=$USERNAME password=$PASSWORD track=spotify:track:3i3P1mGpV9eRlfKccjDjwi ! oggdemux ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! autoaudiosink
toadFrogski commented 10 months ago

Oh, I had my authorization information wrong, I'm terribly embarrassed. Thank you very much for the team, without it it would have been much harder to notice the error.

kingosticks commented 10 months ago

No worries. Out of interest, what did you have wrong? Perhaps we can make the error message better.