mopsicus / umi

Unity mobile input (UMI) plugin for Android and iOS, allows to use features of mobile native input fields
MIT License
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Update MobileInputField.cs #24

Closed SoprachevAK closed 5 years ago

SoprachevAK commented 5 years ago

Fixed a bug with the opening of the keyboard in iOS Russian system language. Decimal separator was a comma, and the deserialization JSON work only with a dot.

(0.1f).ToString(); //"0,1"
InvariantCultureString(0.1f); //"0.1"

На iPad Air 2 и iOS 10.2 юнити передавала в json десятичные числа с разделителем запятой, а обжектив не мог десереализировать строку с запятой как десятичное число и не добавлял TextField на экран