mopsicus / umi

Unity mobile input (UMI) plugin for Android and iOS, allows to use features of mobile native input fields
MIT License
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The text won't showing while typing on the keyboard ( like not visible cause blocked by keyboard UI ) #62

Closed akari23 closed 3 years ago

akari23 commented 3 years ago


sir, i really love this pluggin, and thank you for making it, but i have a question , how can i make the screen slided up, so my inputField can be on the above of my keyboard, cause the when i type on the inputField that is lower than the keyboard UI, ya the inputField is moving up, but not really at a top of the keyboard ( like just a half size of my inputField that shown), so i cant see what im i typing it, but it is working fine if my inputField is on top of my keyboard sorry if my english so bad, thank you so much sir please help me , cause idk what to do :(

mopsicus commented 3 years ago

Hi! You have to subscribe on keyboard event

MobileInput.OnShowKeyboard += OnShowKeyboard;

and get keyboard height, after that you can slide up your view or input fields

akari23 commented 3 years ago

sir, im sorry but, what should i do after i got the height of my keyboard? how can i slide up my view above from the keyboard? :( when i check, i got my keyboard's height around 618, then what should i do?

mopsicus commented 3 years ago

Move your object with inputfield. I don't know how you make it, use recttransform positions or anchors, or smth else