The subscription hints allow a client to seek to an absolute group number. How would a WARP player discover absolute group numbers that it had not received?
One suggestion has been the addition of a timeline track. This track would supply an array of offsets of group number to media time and wallclock time. Group boundaries could supply the complete history and delta updates would supply relative changes. Payload would be binary. This schema allows for variable group durations.
// Group number, wall-clock time, media PTS
As a refinement we could consider two timeline tracks.
A "complete" timeline track contains all groups since the track and updates as described above.
A "live edge" timeline contains a single object per group and only contains the latest group data.
A player could start playback by subscribing to the "live edge" timeline and only subscribe to the complete timeline if it needed to build a scrub bar or seek.
The subscription hints allow a client to seek to an absolute group number. How would a WARP player discover absolute group numbers that it had not received?
One suggestion has been the addition of a timeline track. This track would supply an array of offsets of group number to media time and wallclock time. Group boundaries could supply the complete history and delta updates would supply relative changes. Payload would be binary. This schema allows for variable group durations.
As a refinement we could consider two timeline tracks.
A player could start playback by subscribing to the "live edge" timeline and only subscribe to the complete timeline if it needed to build a scrub bar or seek.