moranje / alfred-workflow-todoist

An Alfred workflow for managing tasks in Todoist
MIT License
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Tasks frequently create incompletely #240

Open stacksjb opened 1 year ago

stacksjb commented 1 year ago


tasks are created truncated, i.e. if I type in "Visit grandpa in Kansas", I get a task created that says "Visit g"

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Alfred input todo
  2. Hit enter to create task before the parsing is complete.
  3. The created task is created truncated

Expected: I would expect the task to be created as typed in.

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

I primarily (almost exclusively) use the workflow to add todoist tasks quickly into my Inbox as they come to my mind - they could be anything, and it's easy to just hit my Alfred hotkey, type them in, and hit enter.

Unfortunately, it looks like the parsing of the workflow is slighly delayed, as I frequently get tasks created in my Inbox that say something like "Complete t" or "do the " (which are ultimately useless because they don't contain the info I typed in).

If I wait for half a second for parsing to complete, the problem doesn't happen, but that is incompatible with the way I heavily utilize this workflow. Is there a way to have parsing only happen after you hit enter instead of as you type it in?

stacksjb commented 1 year ago

I played around with the settings under "Run behavior" Setting the Queue Delay to "Automatic" made the issue much worse. Setting the Queue Mode to "Terminate previous script" does prevent the issue from occurring, but it also keeps me from hitting enter until it has parsed my entry, which interrupts the workflow as I have to wait for it to parse (usually meaning I end up hitting enter multiple times).

This wasn't an issue with earlier versions before the workflow was re-done; isn't there a way to pass the arg back to alfred and then parse within the Alfred workflow instead of waiting for script response?

stacksjb commented 1 year ago

Since this was my primary (and only) workflow for Todoist, I searched high and low and found another great application that does exactly what I need and allows creation of tasks with Todoist Natural Language Processing ( I wrapped it in an Alfred wrapper which I published here. Feedback welcome!