moraroy / NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck

Installs the latest GE-Proton and Installs Non Steam Launchers under 1 Proton prefix folder and adds them to your steam library. Installs..., Epic Games, Ubisoft, GOG, EA App, Amazon Games, , Legacy Games, The Humble Games Collection, IndieGala, Rockstar Games Launcher, Glyph & VK Play. SD Card Support and Games.
MIT License
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Launchers not installing #296

Open Bartell17 opened 2 weeks ago

Bartell17 commented 2 weeks ago

No launchers are installing. Discussed on Reddit with @moraroy


Attached latest install log file for Epic (was set away to install via Decky)

Pipodi commented 2 weeks ago

Same here, I've tried Did a fresh start too, it updates and then crashes. Steam restarts itself, but no installed. From the logs I can see that some Python module is missing:


Installed from the .desktop file, SteamOS 3.6.3, latest preview build.

Bartell17 commented 2 weeks ago

Same here, I've tried Did a fresh start too, it updates and then crashes. Steam restarts itself, but no installed. From the logs I can see that some Python module is missing:


Installed from the .desktop file, SteamOS 3.6.3, latest preview build.

Oh 3.6.3 is a preview build? It's showing in my SD and constantly tries to install and doesn't. It's been annoying me thinking my deck was faulty. Why will it present a preview build if I'm on stable in settings menu? Weird

moraroy commented 2 weeks ago

@Pipodi @Bartell17 these are new errors, i never needed these python modules before, so im assuming it has to do with steams new updates/ or the modules need updating thank you for letting me know will try to find a fix!

tmespe commented 2 weeks ago

I fixed this on my end by downloading charset_normalizer from their repo and adding it to the modules folder.

moraroy commented 2 weeks ago

@tmespe gotcha, but why is it needed now all of a sudden?

tmespe commented 2 weeks ago

@moraroy My guess would be that Valve removed either chardet and/or charset_normalizer from being installed by default on 3.6. They are not currently installed on 3.6.3 at least. I will revert back to stable and check if they are there later today.

Notaexpert commented 2 weeks ago

as of yet is there a solution?

Notaexpert commented 2 weeks ago

Im trying to run ps plus and its not installing

moraroy commented 2 weeks ago

@Notaexpert not yet, perhaps in due time

Notaexpert commented 2 weeks ago

thanks for the response

tmespe commented 1 week ago

@moraroy I just reimaged to the Stable channel on the deck and I'm seeing both python-chardet (5.1.0-3) and python-charset-normalizer (3.1.0-3) installed by default with Pacman -Q. Not sure why valve removed them from the 3.6.3 image.

For anyone looking for a workaround you can download zip of the charset_normalizer repo, extract the zip file, copy the charset_normalizer folder into /home/.config/systemd/user/Modules.

moraroy commented 1 week ago

@tmespe makes sense why I was not able to get this error because I had also recently reset my deck. Good to know hopefully the next steam update will fix everyone's deck from that error.

Notaexpert commented 1 week ago

@moraroy I just reimaged to the Stable channel on the deck and I'm seeing both python-chardet (5.1.0-3) and python-charset-normalizer (3.1.0-3) installed by default with Pacman -Q. Not sure why valve removed them from the 3.6.3 image.

For anyone looking for a workaround you can download zip of the charset_normalizer repo, extract the zip file, copy the charset_normalizer folder into /home/.config/systemd/user/Modules.

could you please explain in simpler terms

lyledouglass commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure this is only 3.6.3 - I recently got a steamdeck and am on 3.5.19 image and am having the same issue. I also did a factory reset just to be sure my issue is the same. I'll upload my log right after this comment

lyledouglass commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure this is only 3.6.3 - I recently got a steamdeck and am on 3.5.19 image and am having the same issue. I also did a factory reset just to be sure my issue is the same. I'll upload my log right after this comment


moraroy commented 1 week ago

@lyledouglass add a random non steam shortcut to your library first...then try nonsteamlaunchers again.

lyledouglass commented 1 week ago

That worked, not the same issue it seems! Thanks

GeorgyDesign commented 1 week ago

Hey, folks!

Is the issue solved? I just got Steam Deck OLED yesterday, so gonna update it and whatnot — wanted to use @moraroy solution for other stores, but decided to check the issues since there where not any updates for quite some time.

Does it work? Did new Steam update fix the issue?

Also, my apologies for asking it here, but can I install be launchers after previous ones? E.g., I installed EGS and decided to install Ubisoft Connect next month? How to do it?

moraroy commented 1 week ago

@GeorgyDesign I would just use the plug-in from deck loader if you're starting on a fresh deck. Go to the deck loader testing store and download nonsteamlaunchers from there.

GeorgyDesign commented 1 week ago

@GeorgyDesign I would just use the plug-in from deck loader if you're starting on a fresh deck. Go to the deck loader testing store and download nonsteamlaunchers from there.

Hey, Roy!

Sorry for a noob question, but what is “deck loader”? Is it “Decky/Decky Loader”? Is “nonsteamlaunchers” in “deck loader” different from this repo?

KhazP commented 3 days ago

@GeorgyDesign I would just use the plug-in from deck loader if you're starting on a fresh deck. Go to the deck loader testing store and download nonsteamlaunchers from there.

That doesn't work for me either. I'm on the stable branch in SD, and after I install EA and UPlay, even though it says successfully installed, they don't appear. Funny enough only Rockstar Launcher appears among those three.