moravianlibrary / AndroidZoomifyViewer

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integration with 3rd libray #38

Closed jjhesk closed 7 years ago

jjhesk commented 8 years ago

the hot library such as glide is playing the key role in loading the images off the url and caching. Are there any chances that you can have a start using them? @rzeh4n

rzeh4n commented 8 years ago

I can't use Glide, Picasso and similar libraries that handle image loading into given ImageView like this:


That is kinda what this library does - though not for simple images but images in Zoomify pyramid structure. If you meant to ask whether I'll implement integration library for glide then I'm not sure that I can fit to ModelLoader and DataFetcher. For example DataFetcher.loadData() expects the image to be one single object downloaded altogether. Which is totally not the case here. Also glide handles thread management and caching, which this library does as well.