Would you please allow to copy the path displayed in the status bar, it is different from the Current XML Path or Current XML Path with Predicates as it contains the name identifier of the xpath within brackets[]
example of status bar: (this is this issue ask)
example from Current XML Path with predicate: (existing)
Would you please allow to copy the path displayed in the status bar, it is different from the Current XML Path or Current XML Path with Predicates as it contains the name identifier of the xpath within brackets[]
example of status bar: (this is this issue ask) /imdata/fvTenant[Tn-EXAMPLE]/l3extOut[L3OUT-EXAMPLE]/l3extInstP[ExtEPG-EXAMPLE]/
example from Current XML Path with predicate: (existing) /imdata/fvTenant/l3extOut/l3extInstP/fvRsCons