mordentral / VRExpPluginExample

VRE Example Template
MIT License
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UE 5.2 not able to build the project with VR plugin - code error UnrealArch #26

Closed ssshammi closed 4 months ago

ssshammi commented 1 year ago

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1061 'UnrealArch' does not contain a definition for 'StartsWith' and no accessible extension method 'StartsWith' accepting a first argument of type 'UnrealArch' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) DefaultVR C:\WORKING PROJECTS\Unreal Projects\Default XR Project\DefaultVR\Plugins\VRExpansionPlugin\OpenVRExpansionPlugin\Source\OpenVRExpansionPlugin\OpenVRExpansionPlugin.Build.cs 51
should i just change it to x64 ? I would be building it for andriod quest 2

ssshammi commented 1 year ago

I commented the code Does nto work, so reverting back to 5.1 or 4.7

ssshammi commented 1 year ago

Currently UE 5.2 is not supported.

mordentral commented 1 year ago

5.2 is supported, you need to download the Master branch. Master branch is always the latest version of the engine that is released and not in preview.